Searchable or acts_as_ferret or neither?

Has anybody tried both and favored one of the other?
Or maybe tried both and in the end used neither?

I’m having perf (generic searches across 4 fields take upwards of 120
seconds) and index rebuild issues (not sure how long it takes to fully
rebuild since the process either gets killed or dies due to a file lock
exception) with a dreamhost site that is using AAF, has 65k rows in 1
model, and has 4 columns indexed, using the StandardAnalyzer (only
because using the Stemming Analyzer appeared to make the issues
significantly worse).

I’m using ferret (0.10.11) and the 10/12 trunk dump of aaf.

So I’m wondering if I might find better performance and/or less issues
with searchable, or if ultimately I just need to (RTFM and) write the
code myself.

Any (constructive) suggestions are appreciated.

Hi Mark,

would you mind posting some of your search-code? How is the performance
your development machine. There’s something going wrong big time in your
dreamhost installation… No chance a query is taking two minutes on this
very moderate amount of data.


I have this in my model:
acts_as_ferret :fields => [‘name’, ‘brand’, ‘primary_category’,

Those fields are defined as follows:
name varchar(255)
brand varchar(255)
primary_category varchar(40)
secondary_category text

The index appears to have hit some sort of equillibrium now (?), with
the longest requests taking about 8 seconds, but with the average still
being around 4 seconds.

The perf on my dev machine is better (averaging around 1.5 secs) but not
great, of course it’s running in development mode. I’ll try it in
production mode tonight.


Jan P. wrote:

Hi Mark,

would you mind posting some of your search-code? How is the performance
your development machine. There’s something going wrong big time in your
dreamhost installation… No chance a query is taking two minutes on this
very moderate amount of data.
