I have a search feature in my application.
I was using acts_as_ferret , i tried all possible ways to include the
conditions with it.
Model.find_with_ferret(query, :conditions =>{})
But dint succeed in it. So please some one help me with this , or else
please suggest a good search plugin which includes conditions. I tried
with solr but somehow not working because of some java configs and all.I
don’t know java , so have no clue about it.
I would be very cautious with ferret, it is not maintained, check the
experiences of it, not really convincing… Thinking Sphinx or
Ultrasphinx is recommended often.
I use sunspot-solr (http://outoftime.github.com/sunspot/), which is
recent project standing on Apache Solr. It is continuously improving,
did not have any issue with it so far… very nice. Has also rails