Search Form On New/Edit View

Hello Everyone,

Scenario: I have a view with a form for entering a new (and separate
view with form for editing) a software defect, for example. On these
views (new and edit) I want users to be able to use a second form to
for one or more customers that found this defect. This search form will
allow users to page through results and select one or more customers
this defect was found by. Note the search results and paging will be
displayed in the same new and edit views rather than a different view or
pop-up window. When the user saves the new or edited defect then these
selected customers should be saved with the appropriate associations in

I have found a RailsCast (#37 Simple Search Form) that I can follow to
implement a simple search but this example utilizes the Index action. I
definitely in the learning phase of both Ruby and Rails. Can anyone
recommend keywords for my Google-Fu or a brief sketch of how I might
approach this scenario? I’m willing to do the research and leg work if
someone can spin me in the right direction. :slight_smile: I’ve included links to
code and the live site under development if anyone wants to see what I’m
shooting for–this is/will be Open Source when complete. Thanks much
your time!


Jason S.

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