Search form: field list in a drop down

i am developing a search form where the user need to select the field to
be searched from a drop down.

could some one provide me pointers?.

Rails L. wrote:

i am developing a search form where the user need to select the field to
be searched from a drop down.

could some one provide me pointers?.

Look at ‘collection_select’ and update a div with a partial, as needed?
Maybe not the best idea…

Aldric G. wrote:

Rails L. wrote:

i am developing a search form where the user need to select the field to
be searched from a drop down.

could some one provide me pointers?.

Look at ‘collection_select’ and update a div with a partial, as needed?
Maybe not the best idea…

hey thanks. exactly thats what i am trying now…like this

Type”,“adtype”],[“Email”,“email”],[“Location”,“location”]]) %>