Search File Contents

Hi Guys,

I have a small code block that is frustrating me for some time now. I
want to search for some text in a file. Simple isnt it?

def read_file week_num
week_num = week_num.to_s
f =“fixtures.txt”, “r”)
lines = f.readlines
#week_num = ‘1.’
lines.each do|line|
if line.chomp.eql? week_num
puts “Found the week number”

The above is the method, and I am searching for “1.”. I am passing the
variable “week_num” and i even tried to convert it to string. The search
code as it is right now, does not output “Found the week number”, even
though the file contains “1.”

If i uncomment the line that assigns week_num to ‘1.’ directly, then it
works. What am i doing wrong?

On Sunday 08 June 2008, Andy Dbest wrote:

lines.each do|line|
though the file contains “1.”

If i uncomment the line that assigns week_num to ‘1.’ directly, then it
works. What am i doing wrong?

If assiging week_num a value inside the method makes the code work, I’d
the problem is in the argument which is passed to the method. Have you
to put a

puts week_num

at the beginning of the method, to see whether the argument you get is
the one
you expect?


Stefano C. wrote:

On Sunday 08 June 2008, Andy Dbest wrote:
If assiging week_num a value inside the method makes the code work, I’d
the problem is in the argument which is passed to the method. Have you
to put a

puts week_num

at the beginning of the method, to see whether the argument you get is
the one
you expect?


I tried the puts line, just inside the method and it does return ‘1.’
for me. It kind of annoying…

Stefano C. wrote:

On Sunday 08 June 2008, Andy Dbest wrote:

at the beginning of the method, to see whether the argument you get is
the one
you expect?


I tried the puts line, just inside the method and it does return ‘1.’
for me. It kind of annoying…

Can you post a sample of the file you’re searching in? This way, I can
your code myself and see what’s going on.



here is an extract of the file

aaa.txt - bbb.txt
aac.txt - bbc.tct

aac.txt - bbb.txt
aaa.txt - bbc.txt

On Sunday 08 June 2008, Andy Dbest wrote:

aaa.txt - bbb.txt
aac.txt - bbc.tct

aac.txt - bbb.txt
aaa.txt - bbc.txt

I’ve tried it and it works even without the assignment. Are you sure
isn’t any trailing space afer 1. in the method argument? Using puts as I
suggested in my first post wouldn’t have shown that. You can try
examining the
argument with p, instead of puts, which displays the string with special
characters escaped and surrounded by quotes. If everything is correct,

p week_num

should output


If there are trailing spaces, you’ll see something like

"1. "


Stefano C. wrote:

On Sunday 08 June 2008, Andy Dbest wrote:

I’ve tried it and it works even without the assignment. Are you sure
isn’t any trailing space afer 1. in the method argument? Using puts as I
suggested in my first post wouldn’t have shown that. You can try
examining the
argument with p, instead of puts, which displays the string with special
characters escaped and surrounded by quotes. If everything is correct,

p week_num

should output


If there are trailing spaces, you’ll see something like

"1. "


Thanks Stefano,

the p week_num line did the trick, i noticed that there was a leading
space. I was taking the input from an FXRuby text control, in which i
introduced a space.

Have fixed it now.

Cheers and thanks.

On Sunday 08 June 2008, Andy Dbest wrote:

at the beginning of the method, to see whether the argument you get is
the one
you expect?


I tried the puts line, just inside the method and it does return ‘1.’
for me. It kind of annoying…

Can you post a sample of the file you’re searching in? This way, I can
your code myself and see what’s going on.
