Search Behavior


I’m using Oliver’s search behavior and it works fine for me.

This is the code for the body. I’m using the parent tag in there so the
result pages appear in context to where they reside. I’m also using
<r:unles_content part=“no-search”> to omit certain pages.

No se ha encontrado ningún resultado. Resultados:
  • __

This is the code for the form-part,

p. <r:search:form />

I’ve a few questions.

  1. I’ve noticed that in the html the word “search” is forced before the
    field. How can I change it to the spanish word for search (búsqueda)?

  2. If I installed the search_behavior via svn, where are the <r:search>
    tags defined? I’m kind of lost with the many ways of implementing tags.

  3. Is it possible to limit the search according to the context from
    the search is called? That is, if I call <r:search> from /home/xpage is
    there a way to limit the results to /home/xpage’s children? And
    apply the same to /home/ypage and to /home/zpage?

Hope this makes sense.
