I (Sabu) too is getting familiar with USRP in an inevitably slow pace.
Hope the following will answer your question partly.
This URL http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/TitleIndex gives important
references that
can be helpful for GNUradio s/w installation depending on your choice of
Once installation is completed, to receive FM broadcast (88-108MHz)
radio using BasicRx,
you can use usrp_wfm_rcv.py available in the following directory node:
gnuradio-3.0.4\gnuradio-examples\python\usrp (see other examples given
in this node as well).
FM reception would require an RF front-end (filter + amplifier with
gain-range 25 to 35dBm) mostly.
It seems, front-end solution at URL http://comsec.com/wiki?RfFrontEnd is
obsolete (right?).
– Check out the total current consumption while you rig-up & test RF
front-end so that inadvertent
mistakes can be avoided.
– Check out the mailing list archive at
discuss-gnuradio Archives
if you are facing some problem since some of the beginer problems are
answered therein.
I am yet to get familiar with the BasicTx part in order to answer your
question completely(i.e Digital
Communication channel). I presume BasicTx also would require a front-end
in accordance with the
expected range of the voice communication channel.
I am not sure whether a single USRP board can function in FM loopback
mode over the USB interface
using BasicRx and BasicTx.
K N Sabu
C-DAC India
----- Original Message -----
From: Eze Kenneth C.
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 10:19 PM
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] SDR & USRP
Please i need help on the USRP design, where can i
get the code for a basic Tx and Rx written in python,
that can be implemented in the USRP board.
For a simple digital communication channel.
Wireless Communication Systems
Brunel University West London
United Kingdom
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