Hi i want to make a window like this http://screencloud.net/v/axr9 . I
assured triple sections. Sections size can resizable. However also i
want to sections have limit size for shrinking (minimum size). How can i
assure limit size? I used Hpaned for triple sections. And I used
scrolledWindow for textView and other view
Hello Ebru,
To have a Paned widget limited to a certain size, use
and Paned#max_position to set any minimal, and maximum positions that a
paned window should be able to re-size to by the user.
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Ebru A. <
[email protected]> wrote:
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Mario S.
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But i think Paned#min_position for all Paned. For example i added
swin1 = Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new
swin2 = Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new
and i want to set minimum size for each paned (pack1,pack2). Actually i
asked this one.