Scriptaculous Problems

Hello community,

I am a fairly new RoR programmer and I need some help with
Scriptaculous Drag and Drop:

So I have

<%= draggable_element(@div_id, :revert => “failure”, :snap => 5) -%>

and a droppable:

<%= drop_receiving_element(@team_div_id, :with => “‘player=’ +
( ‘&position=’ + #{draft_position}” ,:complete =>
visual_effect(:highlight), :update=>“status” , :url => { :action =>
“receive_drop”}, :hoverclass => ‘hover’ ) %>
<% end %>

I would like to allow the draggable to “snap” to a droppable position
if close or revert back to its original position if it isnt near a

I have searched over the net but I have been unsuccessful with this
issue. I understand there’s the Snap option but I want it to snap INTO
a droppable when close or go back to its original position.

Can anyone help me with this, or point me in the right position?
Essentially its just “Snap to a grid” but I have been unable to find a
simple example. I appreciate the help!