If I look at a page with a Scriptaculous example like:
And I can view the html/js source of the page – my question becomes,
how do I implement this, or wire this into, my rails app? -Janna B
If I look at a page with a Scriptaculous example like:
And I can view the html/js source of the page – my question becomes,
how do I implement this, or wire this into, my rails app? -Janna B
On Jun 25, 3:32 pm, JannaB [email protected] wrote:
If I look at a page with a Scriptaculous example like:
And I can view the html/js source of the page – my question becomes,
how do I implement this, or wire this into, my rails app? -Janna B
You need to , one way or another, generate the javascript that sets up
the scriptaculous stuff (ie create instances of Sortable for
appropriate dom elements and so on). There are helpers
(draggable_element and so ) that sort of do this for you but
personally I feel that most of that stuff is a bit of a crutch and
that you’d be better off biting the bullet and learning enough
javascript/scriptaculous that you can just write it on your own.
Thanks Fred,
Yes, this is immensely frustrating – I’ve lost 3 days working on
this, and looking at examples that don;t cut it – there is a vacuum
of documentation really, and it seems to be a very RoR thing “Yes,
this is fast and easy to do in RoR with this library/plugin/gem,” but
when you go to actually do it, you are left with total trial and
No wonder the dork frameworks like Java Struts are so much more
prevelant. In truth, those frameworks may just be faster and easier to
use – I’ve been trying to accomplish things here that frankly don;t
pay off in terms of the time curve. No one seems to know how to use
the Scritpatuclous library’s aside from mickey mouse effects.
-Janna B.
On Jun 25, 11:43 am, Frederick C. [email protected]
And I further agree with you – I think we all need to bite the bullet
and become js experts rather than depending on Rails to do it for us.
The problem is, if I look at all this JS that I am seeing in this
example, I am trying to discern where in my rails app I pick up these
values? -Janna B.
Janna, this was mentioned at Railsconf 2009 during the Rails Core
Panel talk. It was actually the second question from the start of the
talk. In short, one should understand the underlying technologies
instead of trying to always abstracting it away.
I agree that there is no way you can use the Rails scriptaculous helpers
without knowing at least a little of scriptaculous and JavaScript but
the combination of the docs in these pages isn’t so bad:
I personally used them to build several RoR applications, sometimes
using the helpers and sometimes writing the JS code as part of larger JS
I also agree that the documentation of the Rails helpers could provide
many more examples, but on the other side they would end up being a
duplication of the scriptaculous wiki with large chances of introducing
errors and becoming out of sync with the updates to the library. I
probably like the way it is now.
Exactly – or so I am learning. Look, the scriptaculous stuff. for
instance, is laden with examples. Trying to do the same thing in
rails, though purported to be “easier,” and more expeditious, is
actually a complete pain – the absence of exampls & documentation
really holds you back and squanders my time. Heneforth, as a matter of
design philosophy, I think we are FAR better tos stick to html/
javascript/css and only use rails to tie back into on the server side.
THAT SAID…I am wondering where I tie rails into the source on:
and if I cannot tie into it somehow, easily, might as well find a
different mechanism than RoR – to my way of thinking and my limited
experience with RoR, if it cannot at least do that easily, it’s
pointless to pursue as a viable platform for web development. -Janna
Thank all of you gentleman very much. As I read your suggestions, it
occurs to me that I have perhaps not modelled what I need to do
smartly – and that is making this further complicated. I have a
number of models which I need t ocombine into a view. For instance, I
have an players model, which I need to make a list of (batting order)
(which is what I want to be able to drag into from the team, and out
of), this list to occur on the left side of the view, and in the
center, I will put rows containing informations (my info ‘model’
class) that have occured throughout the game, with various link_to’s
in he informations.
So I have all these data models that I must put into one composited
view. And I am really lost now how one might do this in rails. I do
not have a model for this compositied view (though, I could make one
– consistening of two arrays) but then how would I save all this in
the db (right now I have info and player model) and the fact that the
data for this composited view doesn;t need to be persisted. This
really is at the core of my problems here I suppose - and I have no
idea how to set this up. -Janna B
On Jun 27, 7:16 am, Frederick C. [email protected]
On Jun 27, 2:49 am, JannaB [email protected] wrote:
and if I cannot tie into it somehow, easily, might as well find a
different mechanism than RoR – to my way of thinking and my limited
experience with RoR, if it cannot at least do that easily, it’s
pointless to pursue as a viable platform for web development. -Janna
At the end of the day, Rails is mostly a server side thing. In any
sensible world your choice of front end tools (javascript libraries
and so on) doesn’t impact on the backend (be it rails, a php framework
Making a list like that with items from your app doesn’t require big
chunks of integration. create the html for the list items as you would
for a completely static display (just ensuring that each element has a
DOM id). Then you need to run the javascript that will setup the
scriptaculous side of things. If you want to do exactly what that
example website does then you might have to generate some javascript
yourself (rails can make the script tags for you but then you need to
fill in the blanks), or if what you want is what the scriptaculous
helpers do then something like
<%= sortable_element ‘message_list’,
:url => sort_things_path,
:complete=> visual_effect(:highlight, ‘message_list’),
:tag => ‘div’%>
will do the trick.
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