on my boot drive, the script works great
on my Drobo, the script also works great
however on the Data Drive, I get a bad URi error. I am expecting this
is because it’s not my boot volume and it has a space in the name (why
else would it work on the Drobo, and the Boot Drive?)
Here is the output of spec_paths
and here is the error I get for the URi
1.8/uri/generic.rb:475:in `check_path’: bad component(expected
absolute path component): /Volumes/Data Drive/Slider/spec/
PlayerSpec.js (URI::InvalidComponentError)
from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/
ruby/1.8/uri/generic.rb:495:in path=' from /Users/jcontonio/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/envjs-0.3.7/lib/envjs/ runtime.rb:173:in extended’
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/johnson-2.0.0.pre3/lib/johnson/
tracemonkey/js_land_proxy.rb:16:in call' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/johnson-2.0.0.pre3/lib/johnson/ tracemonkey/js_land_proxy.rb:16:in send’
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/johnson-2.0.0.pre3/lib/johnson/
tracemonkey/js_land_proxy.rb:16:in send_with_possible_block' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/johnson-2.0.0.pre3/lib/johnson/ ruby_land_proxy.rb:110:in call_function_property’
from /Users/jcontonio/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/envjs-0.3.7/lib/envjs/env.js:
105 [JavaScript]
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/johnson-2.0.0.pre3/lib/johnson/
ruby_land_proxy.rb:110:in method_missing' from /Users/jcontonio/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/harmony-0.5.6/lib/harmony/ page.rb:76:in load’
from /Users/jcontonio/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/harmony-0.5.6/lib/harmony/
page.rb:75:in each' from /Users/jcontonio/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/harmony-0.5.6/lib/harmony/ page.rb:75:in load’
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/jazz_money-0.0.5/lib/jazz_money/
jasmine_runner.rb:75:in load_js_includes' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/jazz_money-0.0.5/lib/jazz_money/ jasmine_runner.rb:74:in each’
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/jazz_money-0.0.5/lib/jazz_money/
jasmine_runner.rb:74:in load_js_includes' from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/jazz_money-0.0.5/lib/jazz_money/ jasmine_runner.rb:35:in start’
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/jazz_money-0.0.5/lib/jazz_money/
runner.rb:28:in `call’
from lib/run_specs.rb:25
Can anyone help me figure out how to solve this problem? I cannot
rename the Data Drive, I have way too many aliases pointing to it
since my Dropbox lives there.
however on the Data Drive, I get a bad URi error. I am expecting this
1.8/uri/generic.rb:475:in `check_path’: bad component(expected
absolute path component): /Volumes/Data Drive/Slider/spec/
PlayerSpec.js (URI::InvalidComponentError)
Looks like (I’ll confess to knowing nothing about jazz_money)
something in there is trying to construct a file:// url from the data
you give it and is falling over because it’s not escaping the data
first. You could try doing the escaping for it (ie replace spaces with
Thanks for the response but I tried tacking on an escaped path to the
beginning of the path variable and it still gives me the same error.
Also notice that my boot drive has a space in it’s volume name and the
script runs fine.
Ah that would make sense for the boot drive. I’ve escaped the path and
I still get the issue. I am eventually going to end up renaming the
volume and re-linking all my aliases.
Thanks for the response but I tried tacking on an escaped path to the
beginning of the path variable and it still gives me the same error.
Also notice that my boot drive has a space in it’s volume name and the
script runs fine.
Assuming this is on a mac that’s probably because although the boot
drive is mounted at /Volumes/Boot Drive it’s also mounted at / (So its
name is irrelevant)
I’d step through the source to see what path is causing an exception
to be raised and to see whether the attempts to supply an escaped path
have produced something that looks correct or not.
Ah that would make sense for the boot drive. I’ve escaped the path and
I still get the issue. I am eventually going to end up renaming the
volume and re-linking all my aliases.
Better yet, report a bug for the library. This is not acceptable
behavior on its part. You shouldn’t have to rename your drives.