Script pushes Vir. Memory to Limit

Good Afternoon Rubyists (sp?),

 I've been playing around with the language for about a month now,

and have just completed my first “production” project involving a
web-crawler using REST.

 I'm using it to run around the internet grabbing prices for Yugioh

cards as part of my graduate level CS courses in algorithm design and
implementation. So far, the code runs just fine.

 The problem I'm encountering is that after the script has been

running for about 6 hours, my Windows Virtual Memory has maxed out
(We’re talking about a 51 GB Virtual Memory Cache). At this point, I get
a message from Win8.1 saying that Cygwin (through ruby) needs to close
because the system is running low on resources.

 "Okay," I think, "This must be a memory leak issue." So I start to

dig around the forums and Google looking for answers. So it would seem
that the GC happens to be the culprit here… especially when it comes
to strings and hashes.

 As luck would have it, my script uses a lot of strings and NESTED

hashes! I use symbols where possible, but I don’t know of any way to
make a string such as “Happy Card Store” into a symbol while preserving
the spaces. Thus, for the moment, I’m kind of stuck into trying to
figure out a way to keep the script from going kaboom.

 One of the things that I've already done is set string variables to

NIL in methods when I am done using them. I’m not sure how much of a
difference this is making because I’m in preliminary load testing, but
thus far, it seems to hold promise.

 Outside of calling GC.start every pre-determined number of

iterations, what other things might help with controlling memory usage?

 Here is a list of the gems this script makes use of:

require ‘json’
require ‘watir’
require ‘nokogiri’
require ‘csv’
require ‘pp’
require ‘net/http’
require ‘uri’
require ‘fileutils’

 I look forward to the response from the community!

 Thank you,


Which ruby version/build are you using? I suggest using 2.1
(preferably non-Cygwin, e.g. Ruby Installer), which has an improved GC
and offers a few convenient methods to to debug memory usage:

Andreas S. wrote in post #1168749:

Which ruby version/build are you using? I suggest using 2.1
(preferably non-Cygwin, e.g. Ruby Installer), which has an improved GC
and offers a few convenient methods to to debug memory usage:
Module: ObjectSpace (Ruby 2.1.0)

I’m using 1.9.3 because there was a lot of talk (at least when I was new
to this language) that a lot of the Gems developed didn’t like 2.x

I suppose I can update my version and see if that changes anything.

I assume that if I uninstall Ruby 1.9.3 and then install Ruby 2.1
through the installer that I’ll be able to run my script as it currently
is written… am I correct?