Script/plugin install with github


since switching from svn to git, I’m having trouble using script/
plugin install with github plugins.

here’s what happens:

script/plugin install git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/project/vendor/plugins/paperclip/.git/
fatal: bad revision ‘HEAD’
refusing to pull with rebase: your working tree is not up-to-date

git works fine in general, and I can push and pull from my gihub
repo. is this a path issue?

any suggestions would be appreciated!

joelmahoney wrote:


since switching from svn to git, I’m having trouble using script/
plugin install with github plugins.

here’s what happens:

script/plugin install git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/project/vendor/plugins/paperclip/.git/
fatal: bad revision ‘HEAD’
refusing to pull with rebase: your working tree is not up-to-date

git works fine in general, and I can push and pull from my gihub
repo. is this a path issue?

any suggestions would be appreciated!

You can use git clone to clone the repo and just move the folder into
your vendor/plugins.

I’ve been using git clone to pull down plugins, but doesn’t script/
plugin also run internal init scripts etc. that are sometimes included
in the plugin itself?

On Jul 30, 10:30 am, Alpha B. [email protected]

What version of ruby are you using?

ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-23 patchlevel 110) [i686-darwin8.10.1]

joelmahoney wrote:

I’ve been using git clone to pull down plugins, but doesn’t script/
plugin also run internal init scripts etc. that are sometimes included
in the plugin itself?



Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Based on what I’m seeing when I run here:

/test1.8 92 > script/plugin install
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/rick/test1.8/vendor/plugins/
remote: Counting objects: 67, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (56/56), done.
remote: Total 67 (delta 6), reused 31 (delta 3)
Unpacking objects: 100% (67/67), done.
From git://

  • branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD
    /test1.8 93 >

My guess is your problem is with git, not rails. Is is possible that
you’ve got a git repository local for paperclip?

here’s what happens:

script/plugin install git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/project/vendor/plugins/paperclip/.git/
fatal: bad revision ‘HEAD’
refusing to pull with rebase: your working tree is not up-to-date

Check the git documentation for “rebase”


thanks Rick - I will dig deeper in the git documentation - maybe
reinstall git altogether (though I installed with macports, so I don’t
know what the problem would be…)

one question: when you say I might have a git repository local for
paperclip, what do you mean exactly?


Based on what I’m seeing here:

/test1.8 92 > script/plugin install
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/rick/test1.8/vendor/plugins/
remote: Counting objects: 67, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (56/56), done.
remote: Total 67 (delta 6), reused 31 (delta 3)
Unpacking objects: 100% (67/67), done.
From git://

  • branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD
    /test1.8 93 >

My guess is that your problem is on the git side of things, not
rails. Since your error message comes from

one question: when you say I might have a git repository local for
paperclip, what do you mean exactly?

Have you used git to do configuration management on your own code?
Have you used git to clone a copy of the paperclip plugin? Do you
have a local ~/.git directory or a ~/.gitconfig file?

My supposition was that you have some local (test or learn) work that
is somehow interfering with your script/plugin install call. You
shouldn’t need to “port uninstall git ; port install git” to get
things working.

Just to give you a frame of reference I’m working on Mac OS X 10.5.7,
ruby --version == ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-08 patchlevel 173) [powerpc-
rails --version == 2.3.3
git --version == git version

To get some additional information you can use the command:
script/plugin --verbose install

You can also view the rails source in:
Look for:
def install_using_git(options = {})

In this function the line “install_path = mkdir_p …” has trouble
when run in ruby 1.9 - thus my initial question.