I’ve been trying incorporate the in_place_editor, but have had no luck
so far. I read the Ajax.In Place editor wiki on script.aculos.us which
was informing, but still left me wondering about a few things.
Here’s what I’m trying to do. A user has a profile page which lists
their name, age, homepage, etc… There is no form on this page…
it’s just regular text. Here’s a snippet:
At the top of my profile controller I placed the following:
in_place_edit_for :profile, :age
This is where I have a question. How do would I actually go about
saving the new value that was inputted into the text box that popped
up? I have the following in the ‘ajax_update’ action. This obviously
doesn’t work!
I think you will find in_place_editor_field more to your liking here.
Using age as an example, replace BOTH lines above with this:
<%= in_place_editor_field(:profile, :age) %>
Rails will create a static text object that when clicked, becomes a text
box. When the changes are saved, rails uses a dynamic action, you don’t
need to write anything in your controller!
You can also add options for the the button text and such just as you
can with in_place_editor…
<iterate over all object (a) and all languages (l)> <%= a.send
(“name_#{l.short_name}”) %>
<%= in_place_editor(“attribute_#{a.id}_#{l.short_name}”,
:with=>“‘language=#{l.short_name}&id=#{a.id}&value=’ +
escape(value)”) %>
</close iteration loop>
It is code from my current project and it working pretty neat
Also controller code
def update_attribute_text
a = Attribute.find(@params[:id])
a.send(“name_#{@params[:language]}=”, @params[:value])
render :text => @params[:value]
That’s it. As you see there is no any instance variables.
how can i start or use the in_place_editor of ruby with a given specific
item to input and when i click the the button it should display the
information of the whole item…plz help me
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