Scrapping Content from a website

Hey all,
I want to scrap some content from a website to rails application and
wants to authenticate the url of the website which I want to scarp so
please help me out…

Thank You!!!

I don’t have a lot of experience but did some scraping recently. I
used the nokogiri gem. found it to be pretty self explanatory and
much easier to implement than i had anticipated. google it and i’m
sure you can figure it out…


I use Mechanize as user agent and Nokogiri as html/xml parser.

Mechanize supports both http- and application- layer auth, so that
could be what You are looking for.

Hey all,


I want to scrap some content from a website to rails application and
wants to authenticate the url of the website which I want to scarp so
please help me out…

Mechanize, Nokogiri , Hpricot.
Some examples in ruby done by me
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Thanks Dear for the information.