SCGI + Rails at System Startup

All of the documentation for scgi_ctrl says to run it from your Rails
app directory, and I can’t get it to run from a single command line like
you would in a system startup script.

I’ve tried:
scgi_ctrl -c /www/myapp/config/scgi.yaml start

…but that just errors out unless I run it from within the root of my
rails app (/www/myapp).

Hi porkface,

aren’t you able to run something like cd /path/to/rails/root/ &&
start as a single liner on your startup script.

I’ve just tried something like this on the command line on a box with an
scgi installation and it seems to work (haven’t tried to run the command
from a startup script though). At least you should be able to but this
an shell script and let this be run by your startup script.

I’ve used to use scgi_rails too but now am a happy mongrel user. Is
there a
reason why you are relying on scgi? This seems to get not as many love
zed as mongrel is getting…


not a lot of help but i know you can specify the start up directory with
switch, just cant remember what it is (or even how to get
help - ‘scgi_ctl -h’ ? ;been some months, used to have it in a cron job
so i
know it works for sure)

that said, mongrel is your friend - i’m pretty sure mr shaw isn’t even
anything with scgi now, best to jump ship, tha doggies rock

The documentation say’s you can use the -r switch to specify the run
path. It doesn’t appear to work for me. Also, you have to provide a
password to shut scgi down, which makes stopping it via a script more


snacktime wrote:

The documentation say’s you can use the -r switch to specify the run
path. It doesn’t appear to work for me. Also, you have to provide a
password to shut scgi down, which makes stopping it via a script more

Yeah, I read several messages in various places saying people couldn’t
get the -r switch to work as intended.

Looks like I’m switching to Mongrel, although I may do some benchmarks
first out of curiosity.

Thanks everyone.