I used scaffold command
generate scaffold User username:string password:string
email:string validation_code:string validated:boolean
and when i go to http://localhost:3000/users/ i get this error:
undefined local variable or method `new_user_path’ for
28: <%= link_to ‘New user’, new_user_path %>
Where is the local variable new_user_path supposed to be defined (the
controller?)… and why didn’t the script generate this?
Ruby version 1.8.6 (i386-mswin32)
RubyGems version 1.3.3
Rails version 2.2.2
Active Record version 2.2.2
Action Pack version 2.2.2
Active Resource version 2.2.2
Action Mailer version 2.2.2
Active Support version 2.2.2
map.resources :users
to your config/routes.rb file
bandejapaisa wrote:
Ruby version 1.8.6 (i386-mswin32)
RubyGems version 1.3.3
Rails version 2.2.2
Active Record version 2.2.2
Action Pack version 2.2.2
Active Resource version 2.2.2
Action Mailer version 2.2.2
Active Support version 2.2.2
Tomas Meinlschmidt, MS {MCT, MCP+I, MCSE, AER}, NetApp Filer/NetCache
- experienced RoR/PHP freelancer, available for hire
rake routes >routes.lst will write all the current route definitions to
a file for you to view.
You may need to stop and restart your server (mongrel? webrick?) after
running the scaffold command to reload the new routes associated with
Hi all,
I have the same problem, after create the scaffold I try to do new
methods in the controller and when I want to call it, I see
undefined local variable or method `semana_post_path’ for
Then I try changing the url http://localhost:3000/posts/semana
Couldn’t find Post with ID=semana
app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:44:in `show’
I try to restart the server (webrick), map.resources is active too and
the routes.lst is this:
$ more routes.lst
(in /home/sak/Projectos/Rails/vigg2)
posts GET /posts
", :action=>“index”}
formatted_posts GET /posts.:format
", :action=>“index”}
POST /posts
", :action=>“create”}
POST /posts.:format
", :action=>“create”}
new_post GET /posts/new
", :action=>“new”}
formatted_new_post GET /posts/new.:format
", :action=>“new”}
edit_post GET /posts/:id/edit
", :action=>“edit”}
formatted_edit_post GET /posts/:id/edit.:format
", :action=>“edit”}
post GET /posts/:id
", :action=>“show”}
formatted_post GET /posts/:id.:format
", :action=>“show”}
PUT /posts/:id
", :action=>“update”}
PUT /posts/:id.:format
", :action=>“update”}
DELETE /posts/:id
", :action=>“destroy”}
DELETE /posts/:id.:format
", :action=>“destroy”}
root /
{:action=>“index”, :
Any idea why rails ignore the new methods in the controller? It’s very
important for me.
Rails is ignoring your new method in the controller because you haven’t
told Rails about it in your routes.rb file.
If you add a method in the controller that is the target of an HTTP
request, you’ll need to add that method to the routes.rb file.
Where you probably have:
map.resources :posts
you need to tell Rails about any added methods.
Added methods for a collection of posts goes into a :collection =>
{:action => :verb} hash.
Added methods for a single post goes into a :member => {:action =>
:verb} hash.
:action is your controller method name,
:verb is the HTTP verb, :get, :post, :put, :delete (or :any)
If you’ve implemented a ‘remove_all’ method for the collection of posts,
as well as a generate_pdf method for a single post, your routes.rb might
look like:
map.resources :posts, :collection => {:remove_all => :delete}, :member
=> {:generate_pdf => :get}