Save returns Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry

Hi all,

I use save on an ActiveRecord object to insert or update it. I expect
save to insert a new object in the database when I didn’t assign the
id to the object and update the object when I assigned an id to it.
That’s what I think the documentation tells me:
* No record exists: Creates a new record with values matching
those of the object attributes.
* A record does exist: Updates the record with values matching
those of the object attributes.

Shouldn’t it update the record when the id already exists or have I
misunderstood how save works?


yes, you misunderstood this detail
when you create a new model object with eg, Rails uses (I
assume) an internal flag to determine, that this is a new record.
If you load a record with User.find (eg) this flag is off.

So that’s a Rails internal state, setting the ID field has nothing to do
with it, it only depends on the way the object was created.