Safer version of update_attributes


I was just working with a model where I am using attr_protected as
only certain attributes should be set depending on the context and I
was wondering if there is a convention when it comes to setting
multiple protected attributes?


The rubbish way

user = User.find(id) = params[:user][:name] = params[:user][:email]

One attribute per line is a bit tiresome, so you can do:
[:name, :email].each do |attr|
user.send("#{attr}=", params[:user][attr])

Is there an obvious nicer way I’m missing?

As an alternative I have made a quick monkey patch to AR::Base that
user.update_attributes_safely([:name, :email], params[:user])

This just picks the specified keys from the hash, ignoring the
protected attributes, but to me seems just as safe? Update_attributes
itself could easily be modified too instead of adding another method.

Anyone else do similar?


Andrew F. wrote:


I was just working with a model where I am using attr_protected as
only certain attributes should be set depending on the context and I
was wondering if there is a convention when it comes to setting
multiple protected attributes?


The rubbish way

user = User.find(id) = params[:user][:name] = params[:user][:email]

One attribute per line is a bit tiresome, so you can do:
[:name, :email].each do |attr|
user.send("#{attr}=", params[:user][attr])

Is there an obvious nicer way I’m missing?

class User << ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :email


Only :name and :email is allowed to be set through mass assignment.

Robert W. wrote:

Is there an obvious nicer way I’m missing?

class User << ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :email


Only :name and :email is allowed to be set through mass assignment.

Hum. After taking a second look I may have misread your question. I
missed that you were already using attr_protected. I typically use the
“while list” method using attr_accessible.

In any case I think I have a better understanding of your question now.
Since attr_accessible prevents it’s list of attributes from being
updated via update_attributes (mass assignment) then you would need to
set them individually.

I’m surprised that those values would be coming though the params hash
at all (as shown in your example). I would expect that the protected
attributes would be set in a more direct manner, but I haven’t fully
thought this through.

I can’t think of the benefit of having :name and :email as protected
attributes and then take them from user input. What’s the benefit over
allowing them though mass assignment? It appears to me that your code is
replacing mass assignment with another form of mass assignment.

On 1/14/2010 5:37 AM, Andrew F. wrote: = params[:user][:name]
As an alternative I have made a quick monkey patch to AR::Base that

On Jan 14, 2:51Â pm, Robert W. [email protected] wrote:

Robert W. wrote:
I’m surprised that those values would be coming though the params hash
at all (as shown in your example). I would expect that the protected
attributes would be set in a more direct manner, but I haven’t fully
thought this through.

I can’t think of the benefit of having :name and :email as protected
attributes and then take them from user input. What’s the benefit over
allowing them though mass assignment? It appears to me that your code is
replacing mass assignment with another form of mass assignment.

Part of the problem with the current mass assignment is that it’s
rather crude - eg you might want an attribute to be changeable at
creation time only, or only by users with certain privileges etc, or
mass assigned with values from a (trusted) file, distinctions which
attr_protected / attr_accessible don’t allow you. I think there was
talk of overhauling this in rails 3, not sure how far that discussion


Frederick C. wrote:

Part of the problem with the current mass assignment is that it’s
rather crude - eg you might want an attribute to be changeable at
creation time only, or only by users with certain privileges etc, or
mass assigned with values from a (trusted) file, distinctions which
attr_protected / attr_accessible don’t allow you. I think there was
talk of overhauling this in rails 3, not sure how far that discussion

Thanks. That all makes sense, and I’m looking forward to improvements

While this is certainly on-topic based on the subject, I don’t see that
the OP is attempting any such thing in the examples provided. I still
see no benefit to avoiding mass assignment based on what he’s doing. If
the code had any of the needs you mention here then update_attributes
would be lacking.

[:name, :email].each do |attr|
user.send("#{attr}=", params[:user][attr])

This was what I was referring to when mentioning not seeing the benefit.
How is this any safer than update_attributes coupled with
attr_accessible or attr_protected?

On Jan 15, 3:39Â am, Jack C. [email protected] wrote:

This just picks the specified keys from the hash, ignoring the
protected attributes, but to me seems just as safe? Update_attributes
itself could easily be modified too instead of adding another method.

Anyone else do similar?


Thanks, I’m aware of the slice method but I would have to unprotect
the attributes in order to use it and use slice/reject in every place
to prevent malicious values being set. Although of course I could have
model.force_update_attributes(params[:user].slice(:blah, :blah)) but I
don’t that’s quite as neat.


On Jan 15, 7:15Â am, Robert W. [email protected] wrote:

This was what I was referring to when mentioning not seeing the benefit.
How is this any safer than update_attributes coupled with
attr_accessible or attr_protected?

The benefit for me is that I only want certain attributes to be
updated in certain controller contexts. I may have several attributes
on the user model that only the root user can update so I would set
them to protected in the model and can override it in the controller
when the user is root.

That makes sense right?


On Jan 15, 6:06Â pm, Robert W. [email protected] wrote:

when the user is root.

Thanks for explaining. I was trying to figure out what benefit you were
gaining by this. That clears things up a bit. I haven’t used it myself,
but I have heard of a model level authorization framework called
Lockdown. Maybe it’s something you could look at to see if it servers
your needs.

Thanks Robert, I had a look at the documentation for Lockdown. Like
similar authorization frameworks (I use declarative_authorization) it
seems to support model level access where I can control which users
can do what CRUD actions on specific models, but not the actual
attributes that are set. I don’t really expect auth frameworks to
support such a low-level (and rare?) problem.

Cheers for the help.


Andrew F. wrote:

On Jan 15, 7:15Â am, Robert W. [email protected] wrote:

This was what I was referring to when mentioning not seeing the benefit.
How is this any safer than update_attributes coupled with
attr_accessible or attr_protected?

The benefit for me is that I only want certain attributes to be
updated in certain controller contexts. I may have several attributes
on the user model that only the root user can update so I would set
them to protected in the model and can override it in the controller
when the user is root.

Thanks for explaining. I was trying to figure out what benefit you were
gaining by this. That clears things up a bit. I haven’t used it myself,
but I have heard of a model level authorization framework called
Lockdown. Maybe it’s something you could look at to see if it servers
your needs.