S-maxage not being honored with proxy_cache

I have a slow backend application that I’m using nginx to provide
the authentication and caching for. It’s been working great however
is one nagging issue that I cannot seem to resolve, when the backend app
sets a s-maxage and a maxage Cache-Control, nginx only seems to honor
maxage and expires the cache with its value.

An example response from the backend is like this…

Cache-Control: max-age=60, s-maxage=3600, public, must-revalidate
My idea here is I only want the client to cache this data for a short
amount of time before checking in with me it see if it’s still valid.
data usually wont be changing that often so I want nginx to cache it for
hour, but in the event it does I use the excellent nginx-cache-purge
in my backend app to invalidate the cache and the next time a client
in (after 60 seconds) they will get the new data.

However in all my testing and usage I will only get a cache HIT for 60
seconds after the first request to a resource, after 60 seconds it will
EXPIRED then it will go to the backend again. Am I missing something in
the Cache-Control that is causing this behavior?

Ryan P.ish


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:05:58AM -0400, Ryan P.ish wrote:

amount of time before checking in with me it see if it’s still valid. The
data usually wont be changing that often so I want nginx to cache it for an
hour, but in the event it does I use the excellent nginx-cache-purge script
in my backend app to invalidate the cache and the next time a client checks
in (after 60 seconds) they will get the new data.

Note: you will not be able to purge shared chaches outside of your
control, so this might not work as you expect.

However in all my testing and usage I will only get a cache HIT for 60
seconds after the first request to a resource, after 60 seconds it will be
EXPIRED then it will go to the backend again. Am I missing something in
the Cache-Control that is causing this behavior?

As of now nginx doesn’t handle s-maxage.

Trivial solution is to use X-Accel-Expires to specifi expiration
time for your nginx cache. This should also better match a use
case you’ve described (as it will only ask your nginx cache to
cache longer, not all shared caches in the world).

Maxim D.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 7:41 AM, Maxim D. [email protected]

in my backend app to invalidate the cache and the next time a client
the Cache-Control that is causing this behavior?

As of now nginx doesn’t handle s-maxage.

Trivial solution is to use X-Accel-Expires to specifi expiration
time for your nginx cache. This should also better match a use
case you’ve described (as it will only ask your nginx cache to
cache longer, not all shared caches in the world).

That worked perfectly, thank you!

Ryan P.ish
Chief Technologist, Member
CoreLogic LLC
M: (408)966-4673

solutions for the extended enterprise