i am trying to install gemsets but my .rvmrc file not working so i
have create gem sets with the command rvm gemset create rails3 but
when i am using rvm info its not showing the gemsets in the
environment… this is the content of .rvmrc file
rvm 1.9.2@rails3 --create…help me guys…
Syntax doesn’t look quite right. Try this:
rvm use --create 1.9.2@rails3
Actually I just tried with your syntax and it also worked. Does it work
properly when you run “rvm 1.9.2@rails3 --create” from the command line?
yes tim , it shows that the gemset is created but when i am trying to
rvm info it is showing gemset " "
On 7 March 2011 18:55, Tim S. [email protected] wrote:
T**hanks and Regards
Nishant Nigam
“Destiny is not a matter of chance,
it is a matter of choice;
it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved.”