Two things:
- In my mind, this general thread is somewhat ridiculous. It’s been
going on for – what is it? – ten months now? It seems to be just a
laundry list for things you want Ruby to do, whether they’re sensible
or not, without a lot of thought into them, and at least sometimes
with reasoning like “I’m lazy and don’t want to type some brackets”.
Amen to the lazy part! Ruby in general seem to encourages this weakness
by allowing me to write code in fewer lines, unfortunately.
- “I wish X worked” is not a very useful way to describe what should
happen. I’m not saying you have to write tests or specs, but do
describe the behavior you expect. Maybe looking at the RubySpec
project will give you an idea of everything Ruby presently “should do”
and what the other implementations are working towards. If that
doesn’t get you going, think about it as contributing to Rubinius in
some way, and the sooner that comes out the sooner you can easily
twist even more of Ruby to your desires.
Wow my apologies I didn’t know values_at existed [I looked up the docs
for Array#[] but not that one–my bad]. That was an easy one Go
I don’t yet consider this thread useless as it has helped me gain a
greater understanding of the capabilities of Ruby [I’m somewhat of a
newbie]. It has also served as useful fodder for a few projects [GC and
otherwise]. Feel free to disagree, but I like it!