Ruport Book pre-orders shipped

Hi folks,

Sorry for the noise if this doesn’t apply to you, but I want to make
sure I reach the folks that need to see this.

I’ve shipped out all the pre-orders of the Ruport Book[0] that I knew
I was supposed to ship. We are still working on a couple of the books
we’ve told contributors we’d send them for free, but we sent out many
of those as well.

If you did not receive an email telling you your book was shipped,
please email us at:

rinarapress at

I will quickly get back to you to let you know if anything is wrong,
chances are, I will have just forgotten to email you. (Curse this
manual process!)

As a reminder for those who didn’t trust our ragtag pre-order
operation, you can now get the printed book shipped through Lulu[1].

Anyone who buys the print version of the book also gets the updated
PDFs, just look for an email on ordering with more details.



[1] Page Not Found | Lulu