Running Spork with rspec in Rails 3 on Windows 7


As stated in the subject I require to set up the following:

Spork + Rspec on Windows using Rails3

It looks as if rspec is not Rails 3 ready yet and Spork does not play
nicely with Windows.

Is there a way to hack it all together or some viable alternative? the
time to run rake spec I killing me!

Any tips would be much appreciated



Rspec is compatible with Rails 3. GitHub - rspec/rspec-rails: RSpec for Rails 5+

Have you looked at autotest (part of ZenTest) to save having to rake
all the time. I’m sure I came across a windows Rspec, Autotest and Snarl
notifications tutorial on the web once. A quick search will probably

David W.

After quite some time, I got my spork working with cygwin. what
environment are you using and what errors do you get?

Sorry, typed the wrong thing:

I meant to say Spork is not rails 3 ready…

In the meantime I have managed to get Spork running on the app with
some hacks, however I am not sure how to get rspec to use it:

  1. Modified spec_helper file
  2. Added “-drb” to new line in .rspec file

Hi David, I have installed autotest, I will look at Snarl

Hi, Spork is running using a slightly modified version of the
0.9.0.rc2 gem

everything looks fine now… however I am not sure what to do next to
make “rake spec” use it.

I have modified the spec_helper and .rspec files

You must be using 2 consoles: one for spork and one for rake spec.