Running some benchmarks


I’m currently helping David m. Peterson by setting up 2 windows boxes
ironruby and running a few benchmarks and tests with it.
For example I’m going to try running a few of the complexer rails apps
see how it holds up, i’m thinking about spree and redmine atm.
We’ll also run the ruby shootout suite, if you have more suggestions

The machines are hosted on EC2.

However using gem sources -a proves to be a little difficult if you
have the %HOME% environment variable set.
on the both machines I could set %HOME%=%USERPROFILE% in the environment
variables to remedy this, but I feel like this is something that should
handled by the installer or by the ironruby gem library.

I couldn’t use the installer in windows 2003 R2 SP2 telling me I needed
higher service pack for my windows, but there is no higher one when I
to get that one.

I also ran into issues installing a bunch of gems at once. Below the
gem is the one causing trouble. The problems for the rails gem go away
I installed the gemcutter gem (?), but then it fails on the rspec-rails
with the same error. If I then remove rails from the list of gems to
everything installs fine.

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install caricature rails rspec-rails shoulda
ZenTest ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
Successfully installed uuidtools-2.1.1
Successfully installed caricature-0.7.6
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
SocketError: An established connection was aborted by the software
your host machine ( | your community gem host)

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install rails rspec-rails shoulda test-unit
ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
SocketError: An established connection was aborted by the software
your host machine ( | your community gem host)

D:\Console2>ir -S gem env
RubyGems Environment:

  • RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2009-03-31 patchlevel 368) [i386-mswin32]
  • INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: D:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8
  • RUBY EXECUTABLE: D:/ironruby/bin/ir.exe
  • EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: D:/ironruby/bin
    • ruby
    • x86-mswin32-60
    • D:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8
    • C:/Users/casualjim/.gem/ironruby/1.8
    • :update_sources => true
    • :verbose => true
    • :benchmark => false
    • :backtrace => false
    • :bulk_threshold => 1000
    • :sources => [“”]

Additionally on windows 2003 ironruby can’t find gem.bat and I did set
necessary environment variables. PATH, HOME. install

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install caricature rails rspec-rails shoulda
ZenTest ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
unknown: Could not find file ‘D:\Console2\gem’. (Errno::ENOENT)

D:\Console2>ir -v
IronRuby on .NET 2.0.50727.3603
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Apart from the issues above, I’m unable to push gems to gemcutter with
ironruby it fails with an OpenSSL error. The same error I get on my mac
I want to install gems with ironruby.

I’ll keep you updated as I make more progress and/or come across more

Met vriendelijke groeten - Best regards - Salutations
Ivan Porto C.
Author of IronRuby in Action (

What problem does “gem sources -a” have with %HOME%? Does MRI have the
same problem? If %HOME% is not set, IronRuby and MRI should both use the
same algorithm to figure out the return value of File.expand_path(“~”)
based on other environment variables like %USERPROFILE%.

Do you get the SocketError with MRI? You could try running “gem install”
and “gem uninstall” in a loop with MRI to see if its an issue with the
machine configuration itself.

I do have a fix for the OpenSSL issue. It does get more active_resource
tests working. However, I am not sure if it is sufficient to unblock
your scenarios.

From: [email protected]
[[email protected]] on behalf of Ivan Porto C.
[[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:37 AM
To: ironruby-core
Subject: [Ironruby-core] running some benchmarks


I’m currently helping David m. Peterson by setting up 2 windows boxes
with ironruby and running a few benchmarks and tests with it.
For example I’m going to try running a few of the complexer rails apps
and see how it holds up, i’m thinking about spree and redmine atm.
We’ll also run the ruby shootout suite, if you have more suggestions
they’re welcome.

The machines are hosted on EC2.

However using gem sources -a proves to be a little difficult if you
don’t have the %HOME% environment variable set.
on the both machines I could set %HOME%=%USERPROFILE% in the environment
variables to remedy this, but I feel like this is something that should
be handled by the installer or by the ironruby gem library.

I couldn’t use the installer in windows 2003 R2 SP2 telling me I needed
a higher service pack for my windows, but there is no higher one when I
wanted to get that one.

I also ran into issues installing a bunch of gems at once. Below the
rails gem is the one causing trouble. The problems for the rails gem go
away after I installed the gemcutter gem (?), but then it fails on the
rspec-rails gem with the same error. If I then remove rails from the
list of gems to install everything installs fine.

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install caricature rails rspec-rails shoulda
test-unit ZenTest ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
Successfully installed uuidtools-2.1.1
Successfully installed caricature-0.7.6
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
SocketError: An established connection was aborted by the software
in your host machine ( | your community gem host)

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install rails rspec-rails shoulda test-unit
ZenTest ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
SocketError: An established connection was aborted by the software
in your host machine ( | your community gem host)

D:\Console2>ir -S gem env
RubyGems Environment:

  • RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2009-03-31 patchlevel 368) [i386-mswin32]
  • INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: D:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8
  • RUBY EXECUTABLE: D:/ironruby/bin/ir.exe
  • EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: D:/ironruby/bin
    • ruby
    • x86-mswin32-60
    • D:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8
    • C:/Users/casualjim/.gem/ironruby/1.8
    • :update_sources => true
    • :verbose => true
    • :benchmark => false
    • :backtrace => false
    • :bulk_threshold => 1000
    • :sources => [“”]

Additionally on windows 2003 ironruby can’t find gem.bat and I did set
the necessary environment variables. PATH, HOME. install

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install caricature rails rspec-rails shoulda
test-unit ZenTest ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
unknown: Could not find file ‘D:\Console2\gem’. (Errno::ENOENT)

D:\Console2>ir -v
IronRuby on .NET 2.0.50727.3603
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Apart from the issues above, I’m unable to push gems to gemcutter with
ironruby it fails with an OpenSSL error. The same error I get on my mac
when I want to install gems with ironruby.

I’ll keep you updated as I make more progress and/or come across more

Met vriendelijke groeten - Best regards - Salutations
Ivan Porto C.
Author of IronRuby in Action (

I’ll try it again for MRI.

I don’t get socket errors for MRI when I try to use it to push gems etc.
On mac I get socket errors when trying to install gems. When I use that
version on ubuntu karmic it will tell me invalid path errors (this has
reported by somebody on codeplex). When I try to push gems on
windows/mac/linux I get the Socket error. More about this in the bottom
this mail

I get daily digests of the workitems on codeplex but haven’t added any
those yet… expect a flurry of bug submissions when I’m through :slight_smile:

installing gems on my mac

» igem install -V --backtrace --debug caricature
ERROR: While executing gem … (NameError)
uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket
:0:in const_missing' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:567:in connect’
do_start' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:548:in start’
connection_for' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb:320:in request’
open_uri_or_path' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb:164:in fetch_path’
load_specs' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb:192:in list’
list' :0:in each’
mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb:123:in find_matching’
fetch' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb:99:in find_gems_with_sources’
find_spec_by_name_and_version' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb:213:in install’
execute' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb:115:in execute’
:0:in each' mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target’
invoke' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/command_manager.rb:132:in process_args’
run' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/gem_runner.rb:58:in run’

» igem env
RubyGems Environment:

When I remove the line that uses https:// from the sources I don’t get
socket error anymore because it doesn’t need it anymore. That would also
explain why I get different errors on the ubuntu box, the one I use for
building and testing ironruby doesn’t need the https:// source.

After removing that source this is the result:

» igem install -V caricature
GET 302 Found: | your community gem host
GET 304 Not Modified:
GET 302 Found: | your community gem host
GET 304 Not Modified:
GET 200 OK:
GET 304 Not Modified:
Installing gem uuidtools-2.1.1
ERROR: While executing gem … (ArgumentError)
Invalid path
mscorlib:0:in GetDirectoryName' :0:in mkdir’
mkdir_p' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:215:in mkdir_p’
:0:in reverse_each' mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target’
mkdir_p' :0:in each’
mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/installer.rb:125:in initialize’
install' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb:222:in install’
:0:in each' mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target’
execute' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb:115:in execute’
:0:in each' mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target’
invoke' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/command_manager.rb:132:in process_args’
run' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/gem_runner.rb:58:in run’

content of ir script (this should take care of mapping windows-isms to
unix-isms with regards to casing as well as / and \ issues)

» cat /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/bin/ir
#!/usr/bin/env sh

fpath=which $0
fdir=dirname $fpath
export MONO_IOMAP=all
mono $fdir/ir.exe $*

Met vriendelijke groeten - Best regards - Salutations
Ivan Porto C.
Author of IronRuby in Action (

Yup, opening bugs will be great.

The https issue may not be fixed for 1.0. Like I had mentioned in
another email, it may be possible to port SSL functionality from
IronPython, but we may not get to it for 1.0.

The mkdir issue should be easy to fix. If you can figure out the input
to mkdir (monkeypatch mkdir to print its input and call the original
method), that will help ensure that we fix the exact scenario you are
running into.

From: [email protected]
[[email protected]] on behalf of Ivan Porto C.
[[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 12:14 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] running some benchmarks

I’ll try it again for MRI.

I don’t get socket errors for MRI when I try to use it to push gems etc.
On mac I get socket errors when trying to install gems. When I use that
same version on ubuntu karmic it will tell me invalid path errors (this
has been reported by somebody on codeplex). When I try to push gems on
windows/mac/linux I get the Socket error. More about this in the bottom
of this mail

I get daily digests of the workitems on codeplex but haven’t added any
of those yet… expect a flurry of bug submissions when I’m through :slight_smile:

installing gems on my mac

» igem install -V --backtrace --debug caricature
ERROR: While executing gem … (NameError)
uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket
:0:in const_missing' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:567:in connect’
do_start' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:548:in start’
connection_for' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb:320:in request’
open_uri_or_path' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb:164:in fetch_path’
load_specs' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb:192:in list’
list' :0:in each’
mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb:123:in find_matching’
fetch' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb:99:in find_gems_with_sources’
find_spec_by_name_and_version' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb:213:in install’
execute' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb:115:in execute’
:0:in each' mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target’
invoke' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/command_manager.rb:132:in process_args’
run' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/gem_runner.rb:58:in run’

» igem env
RubyGems Environment:

When I remove the line that uses https:// from the sources I don’t get
the socket error anymore because it doesn’t need it anymore. That would
also explain why I get different errors on the ubuntu box, the one I use
for building and testing ironruby doesn’t need the https:// source.

After removing that source this is the result:

» igem install -V caricature
GET 302 Found: | your community gem host
GET 304 Not Modified:
GET 302 Found: | your community gem host
GET 304 Not Modified:
GET 200 OK:
GET 304 Not Modified:
Installing gem uuidtools-2.1.1
ERROR: While executing gem … (ArgumentError)
Invalid path
mscorlib:0:in GetDirectoryName' :0:in mkdir’
mkdir_p' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:215:in mkdir_p’
:0:in reverse_each' mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target’
mkdir_p' :0:in each’
mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/installer.rb:125:in initialize’
install' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb:222:in install’
:0:in each' mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target’
execute' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb:115:in execute’
:0:in each' mscorlib:0:in CallSite.Target’
invoke' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/command_manager.rb:132:in process_args’
run' /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/gem_runner.rb:58:in run’

content of ir script (this should take care of mapping windows-isms to
unix-isms with regards to casing as well as / and \ issues)

» cat /usr/local/cloudslide/ironruby/bin/ir
#!/usr/bin/env sh

fpath=which $0
fdir=dirname $fpath
export MONO_IOMAP=all
mono $fdir/ir.exe $*

Met vriendelijke groeten - Best regards - Salutations
Ivan Porto C.
Author of IronRuby in Action (

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:43 PM, Shri B.
<[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
What problem does “gem sources -a” have with %HOME%? Does MRI have the
same problem? If %HOME% is not set, IronRuby and MRI should both use the
same algorithm to figure out the return value of File.expand_path(“~”)
based on other environment variables like %USERPROFILE%.

Do you get the SocketError with MRI? You could try running “gem install”
and “gem uninstall” in a loop with MRI to see if its an issue with the
machine configuration itself.

I do have a fix for the OpenSSL issue. It does get more active_resource
tests working. However, I am not sure if it is sufficient to unblock
your scenarios.

[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
[[email protected]mailto:[email protected]]
on behalf of Ivan Porto C.
[[email protected]mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:37 AM
To: ironruby-core
Subject: [Ironruby-core] running some benchmarks


I’m currently helping David m. Peterson by setting up 2 windows boxes
with ironruby and running a few benchmarks and tests with it.
For example I’m going to try running a few of the complexer rails apps
and see how it holds up, i’m thinking about spree and redmine atm.
We’ll also run the ruby shootout suite, if you have more suggestions
they’re welcome.

The machines are hosted on EC2.

However using gem sources -a proves to be a little difficult if you
don’t have the %HOME% environment variable set.
on the both machines I could set %HOME%=%USERPROFILE% in the environment
variables to remedy this, but I feel like this is something that should
be handled by the installer or by the ironruby gem library.

I couldn’t use the installer in windows 2003 R2 SP2 telling me I needed
a higher service pack for my windows, but there is no higher one when I
wanted to get that one.

I also ran into issues installing a bunch of gems at once. Below the
rails gem is the one causing trouble. The problems for the rails gem go
away after I installed the gemcutter gem (?), but then it fails on the
rspec-rails gem with the same error. If I then remove rails from the
list of gems to install everything installs fine.

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install caricature rails rspec-rails shoulda
test-unit ZenTest ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
Successfully installed uuidtools-2.1.1
Successfully installed caricature-0.7.6
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
SocketError: An established connection was aborted by the software
in your host machine ( | your community gem host)

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install rails rspec-rails shoulda test-unit
ZenTest ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
SocketError: An established connection was aborted by the software
in your host machine ( | your community gem host)

D:\Console2>ir -S gem env
RubyGems Environment:

  • RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2009-03-31 patchlevel 368) [i386-mswin32]
  • INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: D:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8
  • RUBY EXECUTABLE: D:/ironruby/bin/ir.exe
  • EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: D:/ironruby/bin
    • ruby
    • x86-mswin32-60
    • D:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8
    • C:/Users/casualjim/.gem/ironruby/1.8
    • :update_sources => true
    • :verbose => true
    • :benchmark => false
    • :backtrace => false
    • :bulk_threshold => 1000
    • :sources => [“”]

Additionally on windows 2003 ironruby can’t find gem.bat and I did set
the necessary environment variables. PATH, HOME. install

D:\Console2>ir -S gem install caricature rails rspec-rails shoulda
test-unit ZenTest ironruby-sqlite3 ironruby-sqlserver
unknown: Could not find file ‘D:\Console2\gem’. (Errno::ENOENT)

D:\Console2>ir -v
IronRuby on .NET 2.0.50727.3603
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Apart from the issues above, I’m unable to push gems to gemcutter with
ironruby it fails with an OpenSSL error. The same error I get on my mac
when I want to install gems with ironruby.

I’ll keep you updated as I make more progress and/or come across more

Met vriendelijke groeten - Best regards - Salutations
Ivan Porto C.
Author of IronRuby in Action (