Running single migration file

hi all,

     in my db/migrate folder im having many migrations files that

creates tables,add columns,and remove columns.i created a new migration
file now and can i run only this new migration file using rake to run a specific migration using rake command.people know
it help me please.

On Apr 29, 2008, at 3:28 AM, Karthikragunath B. wrote:

hi all,

    in my db/migrate folder im having many migrations files that

creates tables,add columns,and remove columns.i created a new
file now and can i run only this new migration file using rake to run a specific migration using rake command.people know
it help me please.

You can do:
rake db:migrate VERSION=12
to run the migrations necessary to get to version 12 from wherever you
are. If the database is at version 11, that will cause the 012_* up
migration to run, if at 13, the 012_* down migration will run. There
is no command to pluck a particular migration out of the middle and
run it (up or down).

Normally, you just add the migration and run: rake db:migrate
and it does the right thing. I tend to make a backup of the
development database and then run migrations forward VERSION=12 and
then backward VERSION=11 until I’m sure that the migration is
reversible (usually when there’s some non-trivial data-munging going


Rob B.
[email protected]

For specific updates you can manipulate the schema.rb file accordingly
load it.
rake db:schema:dump dumps the schema and load does the opposite.
So you can dump, include all the migration changes you want and load for
quick solution.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Karthikragunath B. <