Running nginx on windows

when i unzip nginx-0.8.3 to c:/
and follow the comment given on the site:
cd nginx , start nginx
then i got nothing but show out the dirctionry of c:/nginx
i am working on windows 7

then i run nginx by another builds by Kevin W. maintains
earlier Windows builds of the development branch.
it works on localhost.
but when i edit the nginx.conf to run fastcgi(fastcgi_pass … ), i got
an error saying unkown directive

thanks !

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 08:59:07AM +0800, nginx_mail wrote:

when i unzip nginx-0.8.3 to c:/
and follow the comment given on the site:
cd nginx , start nginx
then i got nothing but show out the dirctionry of c:/nginx
i am working on windows 7

The sequence was changed to:

cd c:
cd nginx-0.8.3
start nginx