I have a setup where cron is calling N instances of a particular Ruby
script simultaneously. It seems that as N increases, the delay before
each script executes its first line of code increases by a little less
than N seconds. I’m not sure if this is an issue with cron or if it’s
the cumulative startup time for N ruby interpreters. An ideas on how to
speed this up to a near constant (~<1sec) delay? Is there a way to run
all N scripts simultaneously with a single interpreter process? Thanks.
I have a setup where cron is calling N instances of a particular Ruby
script simultaneously. It seems that as N increases, the delay before
each script executes its first line of code increases by a little less
than N seconds. I’m not sure if this is an issue with cron or if it’s
the cumulative startup time for N ruby interpreters. An ideas on how to
speed this up to a near constant (~<1sec) delay? Is there a way to run
all N scripts simultaneously with a single interpreter process? Thanks.
I’m using 1.8.5 on fc6.
Why not fork the N instances from one ruby script called by cron?
On Sat, Jun 02, 2007 at 06:00:43PM +0900, Robert K. wrote:
Earle C. wrote:
I have a setup where cron is calling N instances of a particular Ruby
script simultaneously. It seems that as N increases, the delay before
each script executes its first line of code increases by a little less
than N seconds. I’m not sure if this is an issue with cron or if it’s
the cumulative startup time for N ruby interpreters. An ideas on how to
speed this up to a near constant (~<1sec) delay? Is there a way to run
all N scripts simultaneously with a single interpreter process? Thanks.
Well, you can’t make a CPU run faster than itself. So let’s say for the
of argument Ruby has a one-second startup time, and this is a CPU
limitation. Then if you run five Ruby scripts in five separate
it’s going to take 5 CPU-seconds of CPU time to start them all. If they
share the CPU time equally, then it’ll be shared 5 ways, so it will take
each of them 5 seconds of real time to execute their 1 CPU-second of
If the startup overhead is a problem to you, you could just try running
the scripts one after the other within the same Ruby interpreter:
This may work as long as they are written in such a way that this
matter (e.g. they don’t pollute the interpreter so badly that the
one doesn’t run, or depend on atexit {} or the like to function)
Alternatively, you write a single ruby process which starts and then:
(1) forks off a new child for each script, or
(2) starts each script in a new thread.
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