Running 0.8.1 though having 0.9 gem installed


I am qiet new to radiant and I am considering to replace Plone, which
I am currently using for my website with it. Since my website is
bilingual (main language german) I probably need the
‘multilingual_pages’-extension that doesn’t work with 0.9.1. So I
tried to simply install the 0.8.1 gem and run this version by adding

gem ‘radiant’, ‘0.8.1’

to environment.rb but this doesn’t work. So my question is:

Is is possible to run different Radiant versions in parallel or do I
need to deinstall 0.9 completely to be able to run 0.8.1?

Thanks in advance, T.

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 4:49 AM, T.N.T. [email protected] wrote:

Is is possible to run different Radiant versions in parallel or do I
need to deinstall 0.9 completely to be able to run 0.8.1?

i find the easiest way to handle it is to lock each project to the
version of radiant needed.

(from inside your project directory)

rake radiant:freeze:gems # locks to the version of radiant you
installed through rubygems

rake radiant:freeze:edge TAG=0.8.2 # locks to version 0.8.2 - requires
git to be in your PATH

you could also download an archive of a previous version and unpack it
to /your/project/vendor/radiant
archives are available at

with any of these you will end up with a completely isolated version
of radiant kept in each project in the vendor/radiant directory.