Run simple method from Helper on button click

I’m new to rails and currently having couple problems about how to add
javascript functionality into rails.

I have a simple method in the helper and i want to run this code on
button click.

 module PagesHelper
     def show_message
        "simple output"

this doesnt work
<%= button_to_function “Print”, “show_message()” %>

this doesnt work too

Can someone please show to properly solve this problem? I would really
apreciate it! thank you!

The button_to_function method’s second argument should be JavaScript,


You cannot call Ruby code directly from client side. You have to send an
AJAX request to some controller for this purpose.

Kashif Umair L. wrote in post #1125837:

You cannot call Ruby code directly from client side. You have to send an
AJAX request to some controller for this purpose.

How would I do that? I have no knowledge of AJAX

Suppose you have a controller HomeController. It should look like below.


class HomeController < ApplicationController

GET /show_message

def show_message
format.js { render js: “alert(‘simple output’);” }

and in your routs.rb file add this line

get ‘/show_message’, ‘home#show_message’, as: :show_message

and in your view add this line

<%= link_to “Print”, show_message_path, remote: true %>

After this when you click on Print link, and AJAX request will be sent
HomeController’sshow_message action and it will display a javascript

For better understanding of AJAX requests in Rails, follow this tutorial

Ruby on Rails - AJAX :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!