Run perl script and capture the output

Hi all,

I need to run a perl script from Ruby and capture its output. I use the
following line in Ruby but it fails. Any input will be appreciated.

out=perl c:\\Perl\\self\\back1\.pl


maybe you can try to use an absolute path to ‘perl’.

2006/12/20, Li Chen [email protected]:

Li Chen wrote:

Hi all,

I need to run a perl script from Ruby and capture its output. I use the
following line in Ruby but it fails.

Define “fails”. What happened?

Any input will be appreciated.

out=perl c:\\Perl\\self\\back1\.pl

Is this really the line you used? How about this instead:

out=perl c:\\Perl\\self\\

Or, because I have no way to test your Windows syntax:

out=perl c:/Perl/self/

Also, if Perl has been installed correctly and the Perl script is
reasonably well, you shouldn’t need the “perl” command in the line.

If these alternatives fail, you will have to run some tests, and work up
the script.

Tests like this:

out = perl -v

See what this puts in the “out” variable.