Ruby’s Windows One Click Installer is 16 months old… seems like, which
is 1.8.6 dated back to about 2007 December…
Does anyone know why no one made a 1-Click installer for Ruby 1.8.7 or
1.9? Is it that Ruby is used mostly by people using the Mac or Linux?
On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Jian L. [email protected] wrote:
Ruby’s Windows One Click Installer is 16 months old… seems like, which
is 1.8.6 dated back to about 2007 December…
That calls for a celebration!
Si tu veux construire un bateau …
Ne rassemble pas des hommes pour aller chercher du bois, préparer des
outils, répartir les tâches, alléger le travail… mais enseigne aux
gens la nostalgie de l’infini de la mer.
If you want to build a ship, don’t herd people together to collect
wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to
long for the endless immensity of the sea.
Does anyone know why no one made a 1-Click installer for Ruby 1.8.7 or
1.9? Is it that Ruby is used mostly by people using the Mac or Linux?
I believe the one click guy(s) didn’t want to have to deal with binary
incompatibilities for 1.8.6 AND 1.8.7 , as well as didn’t want to force
gem publishers to dual release binary extensions. Plus there were some
other oddities with 1.8.7 that made them leery of it.
Re: mostly used by Linux/mac…you got it. You can’t even run the
test suite of 1.9.0p0 on windows. That’s right–it hangs midtest.
Charlie S. has been trying to help it come up to specs and…at
least run
And the core developers are happy to accept (good)
patches, but it’s definitely not their highest priority.
That being said, I use 1.9 on windows and it works well and faster (for
everything except EventMachine, which is broken, and some other gems
that aren’t yet 1.9 compat, since almost everyone still uses 1.8.6, so
windows specific gems are a tidge behind).
If you’re interested in trying out later builds you could try a mingw
Good luck!
On May 9, 3:52 am, Jian L. [email protected] wrote:
Ruby’s Windows One Click Installer is 16 months old… seems like, which
is 1.8.6 dated back to about 2007 December…
Sure it is 16 months?
1.8.6-27 Release Candidate 2
November 19, 2008
Doing math… November to May is 7 months, not to old.
Does anyone know why no one made a 1-Click installer for Ruby 1.8.7 or
1.9? Is it that Ruby is used mostly by people using the Mac or Linux?
All the answer to your questions here: