Hi, RubyNation is looking for speakers! Our Call For Presentations is
but only until midnight tonight. If you have something interesting to
present, please help us out and submit it. Details about us and a link
our CFP form are available here http://www.rubynation.org/
WHAT IS RUBYNATION?: RubyNation is an annual two-day Ruby conference
in Washington, DC. This time we will be June 6-7. This is our seventh
and we are still going strong with 240 attendees last year! Last year we
moved to the awesome Silver Spring Civic Building, just one metro stop
outside of DC, in Silver Spring, MD. The SSCB is a great venue for both
speakers and the attendees!
PRESALE: Also, we will send a presale email shortly with a alumni
code that will go out to our mailing list (mostly previous attendees) a
days before we put tickets up for public sale. That is a very low volume
list, around four or five mailings a year. Please sign up here:
Thanks and we hope to see you at RubyNation!
The RubyNation Organizers