RubyKaigi 2010: Early Call for Presentation Proposals

This is an early call for presentation proposals for RubyKaigi 2010
[[日本Ruby会議 2010, 8月27日〜29日]]. We are interested in presentations on
the following topics:

  • Anything about the Ruby language

RubyKaigi 2010 will be held in Tsukuba City, Japan (near Tokyo), at
the same venue as RubyKaigi 2008. This year, the conference will run
for 3 days from Friday, 27th August through to Sunday, 29th August.
The majority of speakers and attendees of RubyKaigi are Japanese
locals, but there is always a very strong contingent of Rubyists from
all over the world.

= How to Submit a Proposal

A web page for presentation proposal submissions is currently under
preparation. We will make another announcement with submission details
when we are ready to accept proposals. Don’t let that stop you from
planning a proposal, though!

The applicant will need to submit the following information.

  • name (or nickname), affiliation (company, user group etc), and
    e-mail address of the applicant(s)
  • the title of the proposed presentation
  • a short abstract of the proposed presentation (for use on schedules,
    etc if your proposal is accepted)
  • a more detailed description of the proposed presentation (for usage
    during selection process. We will not make this to public.)
  • preferred presentation duration: 30 min / 60 min / other (includes Q/A
  • Spoken language of presentation: English/Japanese (Ruby assumed)
  • nationality of the applicant(s) (for visa for entry into Japan)
  • preferred day for presentation: August 27th / 28th / 29th / no
  • Any additional information or special requirements

By submitting a proposal, you give permission to RubyKaigi 2010 to
record, edit, and publish audio and/or video of your presentation. If
you do not wish to abide these conditions, please refrain from
submitting a proposal.

We intend to use the title and abstract of your presentation in the
conference pamphlet and other materials, so please write something
that will appeal to your potential audience.

= Important Dates

Submission Deadline:
Wednesday, 28th April, 2010
Announcement of selection results:
During May, 2010
RubyKaigi 2009:
Friday, 27th August - Sunday, 29th August

= Selection Process

The presentations will be selected by the staff of RubyKaigi 2010.

= About RubyKaigi 2010

RubyKaigi is the premiere annual Ruby conference in Japan. RubyKaigi
2010 will be run for 3 days, from Friday, 27th August through to
Sunday, 29th August. RubyKaigi 2010 will be held in Tsukuba City, near
Tokyo, at the same venue as RubyKaigi 2008.

RubyKaigi 2010 is planned to have two simultaneous tracks. As a
consequence, we expect to accept fewer of proposals in 2010 than for
RubyKaigi 2009, which had three tracks. Instead, we are planning to
hold some “sub-events”. Details of the sub-events will be announced

= Questions?

If you have any questions, please email us at 2010 at

For further details and news, please refer to our website:

Hi folks,

a web page for presentation proposal submissions is now open:

we’d love to meet you in Japan :slight_smile: