RubyKaigi 2009: Call for Presentations


This is a call for presentation proposals from the RubyKaigi 2009
Organizing Committee.
If you are interested in giving a talk at RubyKaigi 2009, the premiere
Ruby conference in Japan, please refer to the proposal submission
guidelines at the bottom of this annoucement. The deadline for
submissions is 23:59 JST, Sunday, March 15th, 2009.

RubyKaigi 2009 will be held in Tokyo, Japan over the course of 3 days
from Friday, 17th July until Sunday, 19th July. Attendence and
ticketing details will be announced separately.


Details of the the RubyKaigi 2009 call for proposals can also be found

Proposal Submission Guidelines

RubyKaigi 2009 is seeking presentation proposals on the following

  • Anything relating to the Ruby P.ming Language

Please make your submission by e-mail according to the following format:

In the body of your e-mail, please include the following information:

  • Full name
  • Affiliation/Company (optional)
  • Presentation Title
  • Presentation language (Japanese/English/both)
  • Abstract of your presentation
  • Preferred length of your talk (including Q/A time):
    • about 30 min
    • about 60 min (typical duration)
    • longer than 60 min
  • Preferred day:
    • Friday, July 17
    • Saturday, July 18
    • Sunday, July 19
    • no preference
  • Any questions or additional notes

We will use this information to evaluate your proposal and is not
binding. If your proposal is accepted, changes in the content of your
talk are possible with consultation.

Presentations proposals will be judged by the RubyKaigi Organizing

This year, we are considering running 3 parallel tracks over the 3
days. Compared to past years (single track), we are likely to have
much more flexibility in our program. We’re looking forward to hearing
from you.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:
23:59 JST, Sunday, March 15th, 2009.
Announcement of selection results:
End of March, 2009
RubyKaigi 2009:
Friday, 17th July - Sunday, 19th July


If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
For further details and news, please refer to our website:

Thank you.