I hope I put this in the right place. If not, I deeply apologize. I’ve
never been to this forum and it is a bit confusing, and I’m very new to
My question concerns RubyInstaller for Windows. I have Ubuntu and could
try that, but I would like to get Ruby installed on Windows as well. I
guess I have no problem installing Ruby as it doesn’t say something went
wrong, however, I can’t get a few things to work.
I’m following a called Cooper: Beginning Ruby—and the book is written
and using 1.8.5, so maybe that is the problem—and it says I will need a
Ruby program called “fxri” that should come with the RubyInstaller.
However, it does not.
So I searched the internet and found a command prompt to install it:
gem install fxri
But when I open up the fxri appliction/exe a black window appears and
then quickly shuts down, not opening the program. I then tried tkri and
it opens up fine, but that’s not what I need.
So…basically, if I confused anyone, is it no longer possible to have
fxri on Windows? If not, then how can I properly install it and use it?
I’m following a called Cooper: Beginning Ruby—and the book is written
and using 1.8.5, so maybe that is the problem—and it says I will need a
Ruby program called “fxri” that should come with the RubyInstaller.
However, it does not.
1.8.5 is far too old. Current is 1.9.3. Back then RubyInstaller was
called One-Click Installer if I remember correctly.
So…basically, if I confused anyone, is it no longer possible to have
fxri on Windows? If not, then how can I properly install it and use it?
Fxri is old and buggy. Use the two tools it combines directly: irb and
ri. To use them, open up your system’s commandline (cmd.exe on Windows),
type “irb” (without the quotes) and hit Return. This will give you an
interactive Ruby prompt. To read the Ruby documentation on the
commandline, you can do likewise with “ri”, just enter something like
“ri exit” to get docs on the #exit method and you should be settled.
I see! Thank you! I knew the installer version was old, but I did not
expect fxri to be outdated and buggy. That would have definitely saved
me a few hours!
Typing irb only brings a new command like with the follow line:
irb(main) :001 :0>
And typing ri exit brings an error of “nothing known about .exit”.
I know that I can do my Ruby commands in irb and that “irb(main) :001
:0>” is not some form of error. I mean is there a way to get an editor
similar to this?
Because the guide is basing it around an editor/program from Ruby
similar to that.
I think fxri is uncompatible with Ruby 1.9. It would probably require
a couple dozen of quick fixes from somebody who cares.
The fxri window is basically a combination of irb (at the bottom) and
documentation browser. You can browse Ruby docs online at RDoc Documentation, fxri is not needed for this
– Matma R.
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