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RubyInstaller: What is your environment?
Help us determine the most used environment for Ruby (both OS and
of Ruby) to help us outline the next steps of our project. Moving to
versions of Windows or changing internal APIs. Help us make a better
What version of Windows do you use? * Please select the main version of
Windows you use to develop with Ruby
Windows XP (original)
Windows XP SP1
Windows XP SP2
Windows XP SP3
Windows Vista
Windows Vista SP1
Windows 7
Windows 7 SP1
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 8
What version of Ruby are you using? * Execute “ruby -v” from the command
line to obtain the version. Select one or many as you use across your
Ruby 1.8.6
Ruby 1.8.7
Ruby 1.9.1
Ruby 1.9.2
Ruby 1.9.3
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