RubyInstaller 2.1.3 released

I’m very pleased to announce the release of RubyInstaller packages for

Installers and 7z binary packages are available from

Ruby 2.1.3

This new version of Ruby also brings new changes to RubyInstaller.

Similar to 2.0.0, the packages will be provided in two versions:
32bits (x86) and 64bits (x64).

This is possible thanks to newer compiler provided by mingw-w64 project.

Same DevKit used for version 2.0.0 is required for this version.

Important information

Please note that the installers in this release are not digitally

You can read more about this in post at RubyInstaller group:

Choosing 32bits vs 64bits

Before you download a 64bits version (labeled x64), it is important you
understand that not all gems, libraries or tools have been tested for

It is our recommendation you use 32bits until these issues are solved.

If you have a 64bits version of Windows, you can still use 32bits, as
is no performance issue around it.

Ruby 2.1.x is brand new

While officially 2.1.x is stable, that doesn’t mean all the software
magically work on it.

Use 2.1.3 for development and verify your application, scripts and tools
properly before deciding to run this in your production environment.

Existing pre-compiled gems might not be Ruby 2.0 compatible

Ruby 2.1 introduces ABI breakage which means compiled C extensions with
1.9.3 or 2.0.0 will not run against Ruby 2.1.

DO NOT install Ruby 2.1 on top of existing Ruby 1.9.3 or 2.0.0, or
use compiled extensions with it.

You will be required to force compilation of those gems:

gem install <name> --platform=ruby

This will require you have the extra dependencies installed for that
gem to
compile. Look at the gem documentation for the requirements.

Please check each gem documentation and recent releases.

Do not use other DevKit version than the one recommended

This version of Ruby has been compiled and optimized for mingw-w64 GCC

Use of another version of DevKit package to compile gems might result in
compilation issues during gem installation or simply segfaults.

Look for the DevKit installers identified with the name
‘DevKit-mingw64-64’ for 32 and 64 bits respectively.

To be clear:

  • Download and install DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2 for 32bits Ruby
  • Download and install DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2 for 64bits Ruby

Known Issues

There are some issues with Development Kit configuration process that
to detect x64 installations of Ruby. You will need to manually edit
config.yml for it to work. See the following issues for details:


594509a374a48fe05598ec203c62f782 *ruby-2.1.3-doc-chm.7z
60e39aaab140c3a22abdc04ec2017968 *ruby-2.1.3-i386-mingw32.7z
d339f956db4d4b1e8a30ac3e33014844 *ruby-2.1.3-x64-mingw32.7z
e5e2c028d76895e9da6c3c86965fc747 *rubyinstaller-2.1.3.exe
0f29131a6852cf92382c082eaf1dfd34 *rubyinstaller-2.1.3-x64.exe

Official Announcement:


  • Upgraded Ruby 2.1 to version 2.1.3
  • Upgraded OpenSSL to version 1.0.0n
  • Upgraded zlib to version 1.2.8

Thank you Luis.

Awesome, thanks!

Thanks for all this hard work!

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Adrin Avila
[email protected]

You are right, but the part that confuse me is that I’m compiling the
eventmachine Gem, not using a binary, so in theory should work.


When you install Eventmachine gem via RubyGems, it will pull
binaries if they exist.

Lot of gems have bundled binaries into what got called a “fat-binary”,
which includes compiled extensions to different versions of Ruby, from
1.8.7 to 2.0.0

When you install the gem via gem install eventmachine, it will pull
gem that contains pre-compiled binaries and will not attempt to compile
for you, like happens when --platform=ruby is given.

Now, the existing binaries do not include compiled extensions that
Ruby 2.1, since is brand new release, and gem authors will take some
to provide those updated binaries.

Gems authors place a stub wrapper to ensure the proper version of the
extension is loaded, for example, sqlite3-ruby does this:

It will first attempt to load “sqlite3/X.Y/sqlite3_native” where X.Y are
MAJOR.MINOR versions of Ruby (2.1 in this case).

Then, it will fall back to the one that results from normal compilation.

Seems like Eventmachine gem will require to be updated to support this
workflow, since the code that should be doing that:

Is only present when cross-compiled (not built natively) and is missing
fallback required (similar to sqlite3-ruby).

I would recommend reach the gem developer and comment this issue, but
better yet, will be send a pull request that corrects it instead of
on gem developer to find the time to fix it.

Hope that helps.

On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 9:55 AM, foi first [email protected] wrote:

Hello! Thanks for release! Why no news on the site about new rubies? I think few people know about

The release was announced here, not bintray. Bintray provides the download
links, which are linked in the announcement.

Also, I wanted people to read the release notes, which didn’t happen and
they started to report problems everywhere without at least trying to
workout the issue locally (after reading the release notes).

Specially when getting personal emails stating this:

Thinking on remove the news announcement for the new website entirely :slight_smile:


Hello Adrian and welcome

Please see my response below.

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Adrin Avila
[email protected]

I’ve installed the eventmachine gem just fine, but as son I required it I
get this error, the file exists btw.

I thought I explained in this release notes, going to quote them again
in case:

Existing pre-compiled gems might not be Ruby 2.0 compatible

Ruby 2.1 introduces ABI breakage which means compiled C extensions with
1.9.3 or 2.0.0 will not run against Ruby 2.1.

DO NOT install Ruby 2.1 on top of existing Ruby 1.9.3 or 2.0.0, or
use compiled extensions with it.

You will be required to force compilation of those gems:

gem install <name> --platform=ruby

This will require you have the extra dependencies installed for that
gem to
compile. Look at the gem documentation for the requirements.

This is the same that was reported to Eventmachine issue tracker, and
was exactly the same response:

If the note in the release announcement wasn’t clear, play say so. I’m
a native english speaker and seems lot of people have missed these notes
and complained about the same issue.

Anything you can think of can improve the message and make it more clear
will be appreciated.


Ah, but everyone knows release notes and READMEs are write-only.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 5:22 PM, rogerdpack [email protected]

(404 for that last link, /2.1.3 works well).

Doh, really sorry for that.

Correct link to Bintray release is:

You can always look at the root package to determine latest version:
