RubyInline 3.6.3 Released

RubyInline version 3.6.3 has been released!
rubyinline | software projects | by ryan davis

Ruby Inline is an analog to Perl’s Inline::C. Out of the box, it
allows you to embed C/++ external module code in your ruby script
directly. By writing simple builder classes, you can teach how to cope
with new languages (fortran, perl, whatever). The code is compiled and
run on the fly when needed.


*** 3.6.3 / 2007-04-27

  • 7 minor enhancements:
    Added map_ruby_const and map_c_const to C builder.
    Converted example.rb to a real benchmark setup.
    Improved error messages.
    Added options hash for all C builder methods.
    Options hash can take optional :method_name param to have ruby name
    diff from c.
    Converted to a more traditional setup. Now I can heckle!
    Cleaned up ruby.h search.

  • 2 bug fixes:
    Added CCDLFLAGS. Should pick up -fPIC on misconfigured 64 bit
    Broke up all warnings so progress report was cleaner.
    rubyinline | software projects | by ryan davis

I get “Define INLINEDIR or HOME in your environment and try again” do it?

require “inline”

class MyTest
inline do |builder|
builder.c "
long factorial(int max) {
int i=max, result=1;
while (i >= 2) { result *= i–; }
return result;
t =
factorial_5 = t.factorial(5)

hello,I added “ENV[‘HOME’]=’./’”,then get errors:

cl : Command line warning D9035 : option ‘Og-’ has been deprecated and
will be removed in a future release
cl : Command line warning D9035 : option ‘o’ has been deprecated and
will be removed in a future release
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option ‘-G6’
build': error executing cl -nologo -LD -MD -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6 -I c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32 -I c:/ruby/include -o "./.ruby_inline/" "C:/ruby_in_line/.ruby_inline/Inline_MyTest_cb89.c" -link /LIBPATH:"c:/ruby/lib" /DEFAULTLIB:"msvcrt-ruby18.lib" /INCREMENTAL:no /EXPORT:Init_Inline_MyTest_cb89: 512 (CompilationError) Renamed ./.ruby_inline/Inline_MyTest_cb89.c to ./.ruby_inline/Inline_MyTest_cb89.c.bad from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/RubyInline-3.6.3/lib/inline.rb:660:ininline’
from test2.rb:6

require “pp”
require “inline”
class MyTest
inline do |builder|
builder.c "
long factorial(int max) {
int i=max, result=1;
while (i >= 2) { result *= i–; }
return result;
t =
factorial_5 = t.factorial(5)