Rubygems-update 1.8.7 Released

rubygems-update version 1.8.7 has been released!

RubyGems is a package management framework for Ruby.

This gem is an update for the RubyGems software. You must have an
installation of RubyGems before this update can be applied.

See Gem for information on RubyGems (or ri Gem)

To upgrade to the latest RubyGems, run:

$ gem update --system # you might need to be an administrator or root

See UPGRADING.rdoc for more details and alternative instructions.

If you don’t have RubyGems installed, your can still do it manually:

For more details and other options, see:

ruby setup.rb --help

=== 1.8.7 / 2011-08-04

  • Bug fixes:
    • Added missing require for gem uninstall --format-executable
    • The correct name of the executable being uninstalled is now
      displayed with
    • Fixed gem unpack uninstalled_gem default version picker
    • RubyGems no longer claims a nonexistent gem can be uninstalled
    • gem which no longer claims directories are requirable files
    • gem cleanup continues cleaning up gems if one can’t be uninstalled
      to permissions. Issue #82
    • Gem repository directories are no longer created world-writable.
      Patch by
      Sakuro OZAWA. Ruby Bug #4930