I’m trying to package a Ruby library using Gems but have run into the
problem of needing to execute some post-install commands a la setup.rb.
Searching the archives brought this up from Dec 2004:
Am I right in thinking that RubyGems doesn’t support these kind of
post-install hooks? Are there any plans to in the future?
As a proof of concept I knocked together a hacked rubygems which uses
the SerializableProc class from Ruby Q. 38
(Ruby Quiz - SerializableProc (#38)) to allow something like this to
require ‘rubygems’
spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = “test”
s.version = “0.2.1”
s.summary = “A test”
#This proc gets stored in the gem and called after installation
s.post_install_proc =
SerializableProc.new %q{ system(“echo ‘I ran’”) }
It’s buggy as hell, but with a bit of cleaning is essentially all I
would need for my purposes.