down for more that 5(?) hours now

Any alternative or workaround for this problem?

It’s probably the outage/ddos attack at dnsimple. They’re supposedly
close to a fix.


Sent from Mailbox

Yes. It’s because of that. So? The community should be prepare for
something like this. Immediately offer a workaround that let people
continue working. Am I so wrong in been shock about this silence?


2014-12-01 20:56 GMT-03:00 Eigil S. [email protected]:

They did. See is online again.

2014-12-01 21:24 GMT-03:00 Justin C. [email protected]:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 3:59 PM, Juanjo C. [email protected] wrote:

Yes. It’s because of that. So? The community should be prepare for something
like this. Immediately offer a workaround that let people continue working.

You’re part of “the community” – what’s your plan?

Is Still Down.

Rajeev N B
Sent with Sparrow (

I got burned by this, just like many other people. While it is
that was impacted and the nature in which it happened
to be malicious, honestly this is a fairly simple infrastructure and
tooling problem. It is an infrastructure problem in that your
application/server/whatever shouldn’t be dependent on data coming from, and if it must, then use a local cache of Rubygems. It is
tooling problem, IMO, in that things like bundler and perhaps even
itself don’t make this caching functionality on by default.


Hi! How do I go about setting up a local gem cache? Every time I’ve
googled it in the past (I have firewall issues at work which make this
something desirable), it’s seemed much more complex than I would have
thought, making me think I’m simply missing something. I guess it
really boils down to three questions:

  1. How do I (batch) retrieve the gems?

  2. Is there any magic to how I “reveal” them to my local network?
    (E.g., HTTP, I assume; is the hierarchy obvious? Etc.)

  3. How do I tell my “gem install”, etc., to go and hit up the local

Thanks for any pointers…


Yeah… I’m new in the community, but I’m already feeling part. I plat
to a
a mirror under the company where I work domain. Point our tools to that
domain and let it be used by the community. It’s all that I can think of
for my actual knowledge/resources.

2014-12-01 22:35 GMT-03:00 Hassan S.
[email protected]:

2014-12-01 22:49 GMT-03:00 Ken D’Ambrosio [email protected]:

  1. How do I tell my “gem install”, etc., to go and hit up the local repo?

I can help with this part.

If you use bundler, edit the Gemfile, if not:

gem source -r
gem source -a you_source


On Monday 01 December 2014, 20:59:58, Juanjo C. wrote:

Yes. It’s because of that. So? The community should be prepare for
something like this. Immediately offer a workaround that let people
continue working. Am I so wrong in been shock about this silence?

Well, their status updates have been pretty clear on what was going on:
failure because of DDoS.

There’s not much anybody can do against DDoS, except for providing even
machines/bandwidth to raise the bar in terms of bogus requests a DDoS
needs to
be successful.

From what I gathered, the infrastructure is already quite
i.e., dedicated DNS hosting and servers running on AWS, so in theory, it
should scale. Still, it seems like a SPOF.

Actual, complete mirrors of would probably help. There’s
only a
draft wiki site on, but it
was lastly edited 2012, so I’ve got no idea
how far the efforts on this front actually went. I imagine that there’s

For me, since I’ve got neither time nor resources for setting up a real
production mirror of that would be publicly accessible, its
simply trusting the team and not complaining.

  --- Eric

You can use rubygems-mirror along with a local copy of bundler-api

On 01/12/2014 23:52, Juanjo C. wrote:

Any alternative or workaround for this problem?

I can’t understand why with Ruby inherited so much from Perl but left
behind it’s best feature.


On Dec 1, 2014, at 17:41, Jon H. [email protected] wrote:

I got burned by this, just like many other people. While it is unfortunate that was impacted and the nature in which it happened appears to be
malicious, honestly this is a fairly simple infrastructure and tooling problem.
It is an infrastructure problem in that your application/server/whatever shouldn’t
be dependent on data coming from, and if it must, then use a local
cache of Rubygems. It is a tooling problem, IMO, in that things like bundler and
perhaps even rubygems itself don’t make this caching functionality on by default.

% ls $(gem env gemdir)/cache
benchmark-ips-2.0.0.gem minitest-autotest-1.0.0.gem
gist-4.3.0.gem minitest-bisect-1.2.0.gem
hoe-3.13.0.gem minitest-server-1.0.0.gem
hoe-seattlerb-1.3.3.gem racc-1.4.12.gem
isolate-3.2.4.gem rake-10.3.2.gem
json-1.8.1.gem rdoc-4.1.2.gem
minitest-5.4.3.gem rubygems-cleanroom-1.0.1.gem