RubyGem loading into a controller (High quality question)


Ruby 1.8.2
Rails 1.0.0
rubyful_soup 1.0.4 (GEM)

0) I have successfully installed the rubyful_soup GEM using (I had
previously installed it, which is why the output may look sparse):

C:\ruby>gem install -r rubyful_soup
Attempting remote installation of ‘rubyful_soup’
Successfully installed rubyful_soup-1.0.4
Installing RDoc documentation for rubyful_soup-1.0.4…

  1. I have a controller. The first 4 lines are:

require ‘rubygems’
require_gem ‘rubyful_soup’, ‘>= 1.0.4’

class ESimplyController < ApplicationController

  1. In this controller I have a method. Here it is:

def index
parser = “test”) #Establish the parse

When I execute this action, I get:

“uninitialized constant BeautifulSoup”

which basically tells me that the BeautifulSoup class within the
rubyful_soup.rb file can’t be seen.

  1. Inside of the rubyful_soup.rb file, the BeautifulSoup class is
    defined, like so:

class BeautifulSoup < BeautifulStoneSoup

QUESTION 1: Have I correctly included this RubyGem?

QUESTION 2: Does something else need to be done to successfully export
the BeautifulSoup class name so that it’s accessible?

QUESTION 3: Does something else need to be done to successfully import
the BeautifulSoup class name so that it’s accessible?

Thanks for any help that you can provide. I am at my wit’s end.

To top it all off, at random times and under circumstances that I am
unable to recreate, this was totally working for me. I do not
understand what is wrong.


There appears to be a time component to my problem. If I leave my
WEBrick server up for a few minutes (maybe 5 maybe 10 I’m not sure), all
of a sudden it can find the GEM and everything works.

Perhaps there is some kind of caching going on with autoloading of

Wes G. wrote:


Ruby 1.8.2
Rails 1.0.0
rubyful_soup 1.0.4 (GEM)




doesn’t actually require anything, it just enforces the versioning

So I needed to do

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘rubyful_soup’
require_gem ‘rubyful_soup’, ‘>= 1.0.4’


Wes G. wrote:

There appears to be a time component to my problem. If I leave my
WEBrick server up for a few minutes (maybe 5 maybe 10 I’m not sure), all
of a sudden it can find the GEM and everything works.

Perhaps there is some kind of caching going on with autoloading of

Wes G. wrote:


Ruby 1.8.2
Rails 1.0.0
rubyful_soup 1.0.4 (GEM)