I wrote this code in ruby for calling remote API using xmlrpc/client in
ruby, but it’s not working:
require “xmlrpc/client”
require “pp”
XMLRPC::Config.module_eval do
remove_const :ENABLE_NIL_PARSER
const_set :ENABLE_NIL_PARSER, true
ret = XMLRPC::Client.new2(“http://demo.myslice.info:7080/”)
Authentication token
auth = {“AuthMethod” => “password”, “Username” => “demo”, “AuthString”
=> “demo”}
pp ret.call(“Get”, auth, “slice”, {“slice_hrn” =>
“ple.upmc.myslicedemo”}, [“slice_hrn”, “slice_description”,
“resources.network”, “resources.type”, “resources.hrn”,
But the same call using python is working:
#!/usr/bin/env python
-- coding: utf-8 --
Connection to XMLRPC server
import xmlrpclib
srv = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(“http://demo.myslice.info:7080/”,
Authentication token
auth = {“AuthMethod”: “password”, “Username”: “demo”, “AuthString”:
print ret = srv.Get(auth, “slice”, [[“slice_hrn”, ‘=’,
“ple.upmc.myslicedemo”]], {}, [“slice_hrn”, “resource.network”,
“resource.type”, “resource.hrn”, “resource.hostname”])
I tried many places, nobody could give me any solution. Please help me.
Best Regards,
Mohammed Yasin Rahman
Software Engineer
Paris, France
Email: [email protected]