Ruby & WMI (win32ole)

Hi guys,

First off, hello :slight_smile: New to the community, looks very helpful and active

As i say, I am new to Ruby and am trying to port some WMI Powershell
code over – I am not having much luck… My goal is to automate Hyper-V
on Windows 2008, as an example at a very simple level in powershell I
can do:

Define variable for getting VSMS class

$VSMS = get-wmiobject MSVM_VirtualSystemManagementService -namespace

Then call a method on that class like this. Definevirtualsystem is

the method in question, I call it with no parameters.

I have tried two libarys in Ruby, win32ole and ruby-wmi. The synatx for
ruby-wmi confused me the most, so can only post a (kind of) working
example with win32ole:

require ‘win32ole’
wmi =

… this gives me the following error:
test.rb:4: undefined method `DefineVirtualSystem’ for main:Object

Also one of the tricks with WMI is to get the XML output of a class,
change the settings and squirt it back.

Using the previous example, i could do:


…to give myself the raw XML. Is there an easy way to do this in Ruby?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



Nicholas C. wrote:

I have tried two libarys in Ruby, win32ole and ruby-wmi. The synatx for
ruby-wmi confused me the most, so can only post a (kind of) working
example with win32ole:

require ‘win32ole’
wmi =

I have not used Powershell, so I’m not sure, but
How about the following script?

Masaki S.