I’m looking for FOSS OLAP solutions that would be easily integrated with
Ruby (especially with an existing RoR project).
So far my luck in searching has been limited to java tools such as
mondrian ROLAP server and JPivot or OpenI (which look like fine tools,
but I’d prefer to stick to ruby and C)
Any knowledge of a C library that could be used as an ruby OLAP ext.
would be very helpful also. Thanks.
I’m looking for FOSS OLAP solutions that would be easily integrated with
Ruby (especially with an existing RoR project).
So far my luck in searching has been limited to java tools such as
mondrian ROLAP server and JPivot or OpenI (which look like fine tools,
but I’d prefer to stick to ruby and C)
A number of interesting tools are being written in Java. I’d be
interested in hearing about experiences in accessing/extending
these with Ruby (e.g., RJNI).
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.