Ruby versions, snapshots and SVN branches - I'm confused

The ruby down load page has…

* Ruby 1.9.1-p129 (md5: c71f413514ee6341c627be2957023a5c) Stable
  Version (recommended)

Which suggests that the 1.9.1 branch is the stable branch

* Stable Snapshot This is tar’ed and gzip’ed file of the latest
  stable SVN. It should be better than the last stable release.

However this file corresponds to the
code. And shows up as version 1.8.8

ie. Very far from the 1.9.1 “stable version recommended”.

 * Nightly Snapshot This is tar’ed and gzip’ed file of the latest
   SVN. It may contain unfixed problems.

What does this correspond to?

Is there a “Stable Snapshot” of the 1.9.1 branch?

The ruby issue tracker lists…
Popular Projects

 * Ruby 1.9 - Edge version of Ruby
       o Ruby 1.9.1 - The latest stable release of Ruby 1.9 series.

 * Ruby 1.8 - Stable development version of Ruby

       o Ruby 1.8.6 - An ancient stable release of Ruby that Rails 

users love

       o Ruby 1.8.7 - A stable release of Ruby for bridging a gap
         between the 1.8 and 1.9.

Which doesn’t even mention 1.8.8

John C. Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics Fax : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch Email : [email protected]
New Zealand

Unless you have need to be “uber cutting-edge” or you have a specific
that you were hitting in p129 and are looking for the fix - I would just
take p129 of 1.9.1

As to the website - I would guess it’s more of a housekeeping issue than
anything else. It appears that “stable” snapshot is the 1.8 branch
and the “nightly” snapshot is the 1.9 branch. They are both apparantly
created daily so they are just simple snapshots and not indicative of
