Just curious is there is any firm news, guesstimates, etc. as to the
progress of Ruby 2 and when it might actually make a public appearance.
Just curious is there is any firm news, guesstimates, etc. as to the
progress of Ruby 2 and when it might actually make a public appearance.
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
Just curious is there is any firm news, guesstimates, etc. as to the
progress of Ruby 2 and when it might actually make a public appearance.Thanks,
Hi Ken,
I don’t know of anything official (but I’m not “in the know” about
those things). Some places to keep on eye on for progress towards v2:
YARV: YARV: Yet Another Ruby VM
RubyGrammar: http://rubyforge.org/projects/rubygrammar/ (also
MetaRuby: Ruby | zenspider.com | by ryan davis
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
Just curious is there is any firm news, guesstimates, etc. as to the
progress of Ruby 2 and when it might actually make a public appearance.
I was wondering the same. From what I understand (and I don’t that
much) the latest news come from approximatly one year ago in the last
Ruby Conf when the latest ideas were presented.
I would imagine something similar might happen again at the next Ruby
Conf (in approximatly a month): all I know is that Matz is giving the
Personally I’d really like to know more about it.
On 9/24/06, Diego V. [email protected] wrote:
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
Just curious is there is any firm news, guesstimates, etc. as to the
progress of Ruby 2 and when it might actually make a public appearance.
Ruby 1.9 is due for release in 2007 (I think late in the year). The
of this release is to smoke out a lot of the issues that will be central
to 2.0
i.e. break early in 1.8 ->1.9 so that 1.9->2.0 is an easier transition.
MonkeeSage wrote:
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
Just curious is there is any firm news, guesstimates, etc. as to the
progress of Ruby 2 and when it might actually make a public appearance.Thanks,
There’s a few people quietly using yarv(which will very likely form the
basis for ruby2.0) and the occasional bug/benchmark/comment posted to
svn checkout http://www.atdot.net/svn/yarv/trunk
if you want to take a look at code and/or play around with it. It’s
usable and comparatively fast and potentially getting pretty stable. I
think development has slowed down a little recently though, not been any
commits since the first.
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