Now, I am trying to make simple Diff-viewer by using Ruby Tk.
But, I have a problems to show a pointer(cursor) on the TkText panel.
Simply, you can understand my case in the following code pattern.
@leftText = TkText.new(leftFrame) do
padx 0
borderwidth 0
background 'white'
state 'normal'
@rightText = TkText.new(rightFrame) do
padx 0
borderwidth 0
background 'white'
state 'normal'
Create both of TkText instances to show a diff of sources.
After inserting a source into TkText panel, I set
@leftText[‘state’] = :disabled
@rightText[‘state’] = :disabled
I know, this two lines make uncursored panel.
But, without this lines, panel is modifiable. Users can delete and
insert their own texts.
Is any idea for this ?