Ruby & Sybase

I’m having great difficulty migrating my ruby application from win32
to solaris 8.

On windows, I was able to install dbi and connect to our sybase db’s
through dbi:odbc:sybase-ase…

I must now migrate this ruby app to a solaris 8 environment which I
have failed at miserably thus far.

I can connect to sybase from unix through isql and perl, --just not

I’ve tried compiling the sybse library --no luck

I’ve even looked into using Mats’ ruby-perl module so that I could
leverage the working perl connectivity but even that doesent work…

Are there any other options???

I fear that I’m going to have to write some sort of isql std out
capture method just to talk to sybase :frowning:

thank you for any help you can provide.

On 7/26/06, x1 [email protected] wrote:

I’m having great difficulty migrating my ruby application from win32
to solaris 8.

On windows, I was able to install dbi and connect to our sybase db’s
through dbi:odbc:sybase-ase…

I must now migrate this ruby app to a solaris 8 environment which I
have failed at miserably thus far.

You may need to be more specific about this failure to get a response
here. What have you tried? What was the result?

After 7 hours of trial and error, I manged to get the ruby sybase
library working properly. I plan to post details soon.

Thank you